For those against sharding at launch

I’d rather be pleasantly surprised than horribly disappointed. How is that absurd?

You’re asking how is 25,000 absurd? You’re making the claim less people will play on an official Blizzard Classic server than played on private servers. I’m as enthusiastic for a recreation of Vanilla as anyone and I’ve never played on a private server. And I’d say there’s more people like me than those who have played on private servers.

Pessimistic is saying a million. I think there will be several.

I’d say a million is being optimistic, but okay. Hopefully you’re right.

280,000 people signed a Petition saying “Bring back Classic WoW”. If you’re claiming only 10% of those people really want to play, this whole thing has been a waste of Blizzard’s time and effort.

For the whatever time, sharding WON’T stop this.
The launch will be an absolute insanity.
Please, tell me a single expansion release that went smoothly, or even close to that, even vanilla launch was awful as they were nowhere near ready for the amount of people coming in.

The last two expansions launched pretty smoothly.

“It won’t be perfect, so make sure its worse”. Perfect Solution Fallacy.

And you’re conveniently forgetting that Blizzard’s already stated they don’t care how many people end up playing it.

You’re still dismissing the opinion of 280,000 people as irrelevant.

There is nothing wrong with sharding, but Blizzard shards TOO MUCH.

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He said that, and he said they’re designing it for a niche group of Vanilla enthusiasts. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say those type of players would rather not have sharding. So is sharding meant to appeal to the very people they expect not to stick it out?

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Well, it’s like all those “I quit” posts on the General forums.

How many of those posts actually end up being true?

They may mean it at the time, but when the chips are down… they’d probably still rather play on a pserver because it’s not giving Activision any money.

Sharding is not a “Fantastic Feature”. Its a solution to a problem. Sharding is not meant to appeal to anyone, its meant to fix the problem of massive overloading during launch.

If the pessimists are right, and no-one turns up to the party, blow out the sharding candles and throw it away. But to start without it is downright obstructionism.

Sharding is being used, according to them, to fix a problem that won’t be fixable.
Simple as that, then sharding itself comes with a gigantic slew of potential problems specially when you’re trying to play with friends and group up which will be what most people will be doing.

Sharding just goes against everything vanilla stands for and we all know current blizz, this is just opening the gates for sharding and other crap to potentially being added later and now it’s “ok” because a version of it was already there.
And don’t even try to tell me I’m going full tinfoil because they pulled these exact type of moves on retail for years.

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I don’t know. I’m not so sure infecting the game with an incurable disease is the best way to start off.

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The people like you are exactly part of the reason why my estimations of Classic’s potential population are so low.

Sharding will alleviate the worst of the problem. That’s its purpose. You don’t trust Blizzard? Then don’t play Classic because you know it will be bad. Since you’re not playing, how about letting the rest of us enjoy it.

Oooh slippery slope fallacy! You’re 2 for 2.

Then don’t play. You don’t trust Blizzard to produce Classic, but no-one else can do it, and we know they’re going to use sharding if and when it’s needed. Is this really the rock you want to die on? Do you really want to walk away from Classic at this point, because the first 2 hours of your experience didn’t have quite as many people as were on the server? Are you really that self-destructive?

I’m getting to a point where I don’t want to even argue this because we know they’re going to use sharding. They have said they will. And if no-one turns up to the party, it won’t even be needed.

Its 2 hours of your marathon of Classic experience. Suck it up and push past the starter zones into the world of single instance zones.

You think I don’t know I’m an exception? The majority of people will roll with the punches.

Brian Birmingham said it’s a very complicated issue with many, many factors. I know I’m oversimplifying it. I’m not rational when it comes to sharding, because it’s the single most damaging thing to happen to the game. At least in regards to the community. And Vanilla and Classic are all about the community.

I’d probably grudgingly accept a few days of sharding in the 1-10 areas. If I thought Blizz would never use the technology in Classic again. But…I don’t believe they won’t. I’m too old and cynical. And what I think of Blizzard and Activision. If it was up to the Classic devs I’d have faith. But I doubt it’s their call.

Heh, confused EA with Activision. Corruption has so many names.

Then don’t argue about it, the door is right there.
We will remain here arguing against it, good bye.

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Its already there. The sharding system isn’t going to be deleted for classic. So if and when they see the servers starting to fail, or cause 10000 player queues, they will turn it on. Believing otherwise is delusional.