For those against sharding at launch

Simulating their latencies, OTOH, that’s another matter.

26ms? I’m not sure why their latency is the issue for the server crashing. Individuals sure, but that’s individuals.

The server itself I’m sure can hold 3000 active players. As you pointed out, graphics, heavy data downloads, and other individual player issues aren’t relevant to the serve crashing. The best player setups will remain online, the worst will disconnect, but that’s not something Blizzard can fix.

AQ is the least of the worries and out of sheer desire for everyone to see it, I’m sure Blizzard would turn off sharding for that event even if it was on normally.

Sharding solves a gameplay experience problem, not a server performance one, since having multiple copies of every mob is a higher performance load. So there’s no need to discuss AQ Gates in terms of sharding. They don’t need it, they don’t want it, and neither do we.

Just one more voice here, hoping Blizzard sticks to their word that sharding is a temporary solution. :+1:

I haven’t seen anything to suggest they won’t.


Not with this guy, and not until pets came into the game for the miniinfsrnal. I think one the studmuffyns that are not me was on there though.

Actually server issues are a factor in why they use it, they tout is a reason why recent launches dont have the failures as the xpast

People can be against it but it doesn’t mean its not going to be implemented on day one. I would rather not be stuck in some lengthy que time and if sharding speeds up the log in process I’m all for it. I doubt its going to be permanent anyway.


So seeing 10 thousand people in the starting zone is not immersion breaking?, I was on Kronos 3 pserver on launch day, and they had dynamic respawns, it was a real $h!t show. Sharding in low level zones would be much better at the start. It’s not 2004, we are not going to get a 2004 blitz like launch in 2019 without it , unfortunately some things are just different now and #nochages is not realistic if you want a good classic experience


Here’s something that may be useful.

At 24:18 they start going over the Gates of AQ event and go into all the problems it caused.

They also didnt have the bankroll of a corporation and lacked the access to worth - a - damn server hardware manufactured after 2012.

Also, how many private servers do you expect to run 10g networking or data redundant lines directly to the ISP?

Your argument is a logical fallacy. You cant compare a group of people in a garage with a basic understanding of PFsense to Acti-Blizzard.

Take sharding away. This is 2019. It is beyond the word “necessary”.

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Clearly not. You don’t seem to understand how corporations work.

Nice!! Thank you!! I have not seen this yet. Started watching it and . . GHOSTCRAWLER!!! Some hated him. I didnt. And I even played a pally.

Watching now on my big screen. I nerd out over this stuff!!

Ghostcrawler’s not on there. I think you’re mistaking Tom Chilton. Ghostcrawler was Greg Street and he was already gone when this went up.

oops. You nailed it. . I scrubbed through and that is in fact Tom. I never realized how much they looked alike to me at a first glance.

Hehe, no problem dude. I had the same confusion initially but that was years ago.

Why is Blizzard even trying to cater to tourists? Trying to cater to people who aren’t your main audience and you expect to leave? Focus on the audience you made the game for


lol interesting. He was a dwarven paladin too I believe on forums as well.

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Sharding has more or less “Garrison-ized” World of Warcraft.

The entire World (even cities) feels as lonely as I did inside my Garrison.

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Because not every tourist leaves. And its not so much that they’re catering to tourists, but because they’re not charging an extra sub for Classic, which will make everyone want to have a look for free.

Blizzard isn’t catering to tourists at all, though. Slendy’s just trying to spin this into something it’s not; he’s got no real argument, so attacking Blizzard is the default fall-back.

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10,000 Strawmen, you mean?

You respond to someone who is telling you how deeply disappointing sharding makes a person feel with a Strawman? They are telling you the game they once loved during Vanilla isn’t the same with sharding. You’ve chosen to create some kind of unrealistic doomsday Strawman scenario - where 10,000 people in your zone are going to overtake you, like some kind of caravan or zombie apocalypse? Do we need to build a wall too??

Think about what this person is saying. Think what the world means to them before sharding existed - and the loss they are trying to communicate.

Then, carefully respond to that loss.