For those against sharding at launch

You are correct. SWC NA had some drama for our QA gate event because of transfers that came with the scepter nearly complete already when our main raiding guilds where not there yet.

IMO, sharding is nothing less than a game cancer.

You obviously do not share that opinion.

I’m sure your time spent in retail with all of its conveniences and instant (figure of speech, not literally instant) gratification has nothing to do your formation of that opinion, though.

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Ya want to whip it out like that? Man. I have been playing since the beginning. So do I have some insights you dont? Yes. Do I like the game now… ehhh…

I am just saying… Your thought possess and being vocal leaves no room for anyone that does not share your opinion. That is all man. That is all.

Millions… read that… millions of people play and have played wow. And they all have opinions… But you need to be willing to concede that not everyone is wrong. . or. . get this. this is important… that they have the right to be wrong.

limiting Silithus by level could be a way they help avoid the server failures of Vanillas AQ event.

Yes i was there. I was also there for a launch of many mmorpgs and classic pservers and each of those far exceeded the amount of ppl at aq opening lol. Don’t know where you got the random numbers of 40-50 people. Obviously will be more but sorry bud, it wont be as much or more the launch day starting areas you really are tripping.

To address your point, other certainly is an option. IMO, that would be worse than sharding.

I don’t remember any part of the vanilla open world that was ever denied to any players based on level. If there was one that I do not remember, please let me know.

As to the point of my post to which you responded, I recommend you take a gander at the “conversation” to which I was responding.

Yea, I don’t like the idea of level gating a zone either.

And there where none in classic. Just instances.

No way, it would be way better than sharding, a good part of the server failures in Vanillas AQ event was lower levels overcrowding the zone.

There wasn’t and you know it, and that was not my point, there may be some hard choices people will have to make for this event , as there is no way Blizzard will let the servers fail as bad as they did then.

No need as it had nothing to do with me making the point I did.

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yah it beats them using sharding for it , though honestly it would be more likely they would heavily use queues.

i think everyone’s needlessly worrying about the gates of aq event. because 1) our computers are much better, 2) our internet service providers are much better and 3) vanilla textures, fx and mounts, are so low res, the server load could be much bigger before it started to lag

I don’t think they are going with ‘hope’ though, they most definitely don’t want a repeat of the failures.

Who knows though? it could a non issue and not anywhere near as popular as it was then too.

That is soooooo not relevant to the server side of things its not even funny. It’s probably mostly entries in a relational database on the server side. It doesn’t care about the sparkly graphics. All it cares about is what falls within ___ distance of map coordinate location X, Y, and Z in ____ zone.

Which is where people playing Rubberband Man start to become an issue. Modern Computers will help a LOT with that, modern data bandwidth also helps, but there still are certain boundaries that even modern systems are going to have a hard time crossing.

well let me give you an explanation why i think its relevant:: during wod launch, there were lots of people, on their biggest possible mounts with high res textures, casting as many big spells as possible, so the database was getting a much bigger work out than it would with vanilla content, vanilla mounts, vanilla textures, which among other things, are likely the equivalent of one piece of retail gear as far as database look ups. i mean, how many individual layers of data are needed for high res textures vs the old textures, which were likely one piece.

have you seen the images for 3d models for old games? it was just one 2d image, stretched over an animated skeleton

vanilla likely had no bump mapping.

Textures are stored locally on the client, the server doesn’t care. The server has an approximation of “the centerpoint” and another variable for “hitbox size” for the character/mount combination and does its calculations from that.

As to interacting with a specific NPC and not being able to click on them. Yes, it’s annoying griefing, but it’s easily worked around, and obviously it seem players were doing just that.

Learn to macro? Targeting the NPC wouldn’t even be that complicated. Some google searching probably would have found you a macro to even pull up the NPC dialogue window for that NPC after targeting him/her.

Or you could turn on nameplates for NPCs… Annoying yes, capable of stopping the average player cold? Certainly. But not insurmountable.

Sigh. . .
My server was well known for major guilds that held major events. I was a guild master of one of the guilds during MoP and during that time we even took part in events as large as building a massive force of over 200 players to invade horde cities.

Guilds were known for massive group fights, planning massive battles and so forth. Also city raids were quite literally a daily occurrence. We thrived through EVERYTHING they added over time. But then they added sharding.

I primarily play my dwarven paladin in an all dwarven guild that at it’s very lowest times would be over 500 members and highest over 800. We were well-known for defending Ironforge. . . until sharding. “Ironforge is under attack!” We’d respond. No one there. Why? The horde raid was sharded. This went on and on until city raids stopped. Guilds tried massive wpvp battles but would be sharded away from each other.

Now I logged in recently during the free 4 day event thing. Only 3 members on in the dwarven guild when I was on. I’ve never seen it that low ever, and that guild’s been around since BC.

Is the server still alive? I believe so yes. But the community is gone. The events are gone. The life that made it famous is gone.

The only fighting I did was with someone here over the way they addressed things and that is over. I am done being vitriolic. That’s not me.

that’s not really my point: i brought it up to indicate that the server wasn’t crashing from it. yet you had tons of people casting their biggest aoes, running all their toys like the train, setting off engineering events like grenades and fireworks, on huge mounts with high res textures with fx on their skins and eyes, etc. they were trying to lag other players/the server, so people wouldnt be able to play. it was a coordinated event too. i didnt have any lag. only reason i gave up was, no matter what i did, i couldnt spawn the quest box pop-up.

Yeah. I refused to move this guy from his server out of sheer respect for the history of him on this server. Thusly retired him. That and I’ve always been a huge dwarven fan so I remade a new hunter.

Hmm, I recognize your name. Were you on Emerald Dream for a while?

I’m sure knowing what they know, they could automate a test of 3000 active players