For those against sharding at launch

I do not expect Blizzard to offer a “NO SHARDING” option.

I am simply pointing out that offering one or more “NO SHARDING” server(s) IS an option that Blizzard has.

Just pointing that out makes people hopeful for things that’ll likely never come. Come on, dude, don’t go offering false hopes.

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Well you are assuming it’s an option. It was supposed to be an option for RP servers and apparently that didn’t happen for some reason.

Who said they had to offer started and non-sharded versions of each. They are not at this time offering RP-PVP servers in addition to RP-PVE servers, after all.

Somehow that’s how this whole tangent started, though. Someone, I forget who, came up with “offer sharded and non-sharded servers” and now here we are.

Ok that explains it, your server wasn’t really representative of most out there I’m guessing, certainly not on the 4 I’ve been on. I really don’t think it will be an issue with Classic, at least not to the extent of live.

The truth is though sometimes you do know people better than they know themselves. I’ve just had so many people over the years say they were done and eventually they came crawling back. Oddly enough it’s the ones that don’t say a word that usually end up staying gone. You don’t really know it til they are gone. Just one of those things I’ve noticed, the loud ones tend to be too passionate to really put it down.

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Kind of like "Blizzard can always shard the AQ event, even though that is FAR beyond those ‘starting areas’ and ‘that brief time at launch’ "?

Seriously dude?

I do not want sharding. I want Blizzard to find another solution to the log-in problem that does NOT involve qeues, or server merges, or free transfers, etc. If they can avoid sharding, they absolutely should.

But if it turns out that sharding’s the only way I can play Classic, then I’ll still happily play Classic over BFA. It’s not even remotely a deal-breaker for me like it is for you guys. Technically neither are qeues but I’ll be a far less happy person with them than without them.


You really did copy/paste it :rofl:

Well, it’s mine so at least it’s not plagiarism. Isn’t it weird though how I totally called that I’d have to do that?

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Again, strawmanning for effect. I said too many will choose the non-sharded option. So according to me, those inconveniences will be the standard case.

If you’re going to misrepresent my argument, at least do it in a way that isn’t obvious.


From what I know of Blackrock back in the day, it was one of the biggest, and certainly would have been far harder to kill than the rest.

More like 100. But that still won’t be enough to hold all the tourists under Vanilla rules.

I think 100 is too generous tbh

100 is slightly higher than the Vanilla launch of 89. Back when they didn’t realise how big a hit they had. I don’t think its over rating it at all.

I’m really REALLY certain the audience isn’t large enough to justify 100 servers…

I’m sorry, but no matter if you are for or against sharding, this is a ridiculous comment. Were you there in Silithus back in Vanilla when the gates of AQ were open?

I was when it was opened on my realm back then. There was a sea of people in that zone. It was insane. There is a reason the opening of the gates of AQ are so well remembered by those who were there and saw it. If you are under the false impression that there was only like 40 to 60 people from a guild to do this in the zone, you are mistaken, big time. The opening of the gates was a huge deal and a server wide event where the whole server flocked to this one zone and one area in the game to see it happen even if their guild wasn’t the one opening the gates.

I find it extremely hard to believe that that numerous starting zones at Classic’s launch would have more people than the literal sea of people I saw in Silithus the night the gates were opened on my realm.

If you want to be for sharding, go for it. But please don’t try to twist logic and facts to push your agenda.

And as for my two cents. I would much prefer to have to deal with a queue for the first couple of weeks or so than to have to deal with even one minute of sharding. I was on Illidan for a while many years ago when there was still a queue of around an hour every night. Sure, queues aren’t fun, but given the option between queues for a very limited time and sharding that breaks community and ruins immersion, I’ll take a queue any day of the week.

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I’ll take sharding over qeues that make me miss the AQ event. But I’d still prefer a different solution than sharding.

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You’re right. I did misread what you wrote. And yet your argument still makes no sense. So a ton choose the non-sharded option. I’m glad you agree that the majority of people want a true authentic Vanilla experience. But what’s the downside again? People will complain because of quest competition? This is what you say, “Suck it up, buttercup.” They chose this, and they have no right to complain. So Blizzard is now blame-proof. What the players experience is entirely up to the players. And those who can’t handle it will head on over to a sharded server.

Having this option is a win in any scenario.

Nobody will go to a different server if they already made friends on the server they’re currently on.