For the playerbase to grow, one way should never be the only way

Excuse me but if you want those rewards maybe you should try stepping up to the game rather than making everything brain dead. I enjoy difficulty, if I wanted to play easy games I’d be using a nintendo console.

You want to burn down the game so you feel a little better about yourself.

Have you tried being social?

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This entire thread is an issue, not an ish me.

The game is going as you want it. It’s burning.

Go play skyrim dude, if you don’t want to see anyone.


I think they to focus more on PVP and less on PVP. PVP pretty much has auto difficulty, especially if you implemented a damn ELO system like every other game has.

The game was most popular when PVP was a bigger focus of the games devolopment.

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lol. Certainly not because of PVP was it popular.

So your suggestion is throw more gasoline on the fire?

Make it burn out brighter?

Because you wont go play a single player game? Because you want to …i dont know. Show off your armor around people you dont want to talk to?

Yours is. Mine’s to put the fire out!

My granpda would put out the flames your ancestors littered.

But you arent suggesting anything to make WoW a better MMORPG. To have people play together and socialize.

There has never been a time when everybody raided. Raid participation in Vanilla started low and went downhill until only a tiny percentage of players completed Naxxramas.

People who remember everybody raiding back them were isolating themselves from the majority of players.

Dude. Your way should never be the only way.

Some things deserve to be the only way if that’s the rules.

It isn’t.

I really don’t believe this is true. I think PVP was so important to the popularity of this game.

I honestly thing people just want League of Legends but combined with virtual life simulator and farming simulator.

Like most people who played this game when it was growing the fastest just got every class to 30 and switched, tried every starting zone, tried to pvp with every class, and try to do all the dungeons. I don’t even think raids were on peoples radar.

He is one of those who believes that there is only one right way to play the game, and everyone who wants to play any other way should be forced to play like he claims to.

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I’m not going to do a merry go round with you.

You are on Bobby’s side.

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But as we discussed earlier, the only effect of putting Mythic+ in queue would be misery for all players.

Rather than something like that, ruining one of the more popular game modes, why not advocate for a solo, high-difficulty progression path?


Except I have never said this.

Please attempt to be truthful.

And you are on you own side. With no one else.

Look at how disingenuous your reactions are. You’re trying to paint anyone who disagrees with you as “TheM” because you can’t cope with the fact that an MMO requires group play to enjoy its entire content.