For the playerbase to grow, one way should never be the only way

Applies to a lot of opinions.

Options should matter. Let people forge their path without being told the path as the only way.

Flying? Can be either Dragon Riding or Classic Flying, or heck, both.

Group content? There’s a rating, apply it to queues.

I actually have a quote from another game.

The end of learning is the beginning of death. - A Path of Exile NPC.

If one way is the only way, a forced path, then it’s the end of learning.


Fortunately, there are a ton of options to play/grow. But at some point, you can’t have options for every single overly specific scenario.

You have plenty of ways for group content that give gear rewards. You have m+, raiding, PVP.

A queue system would be hilariously bad, and cause outbursts on the forums for content to be nerfed. We know this, because this has happened before. When content is queue-able, the community expects it to be trivial.

You will get normal flying (pretty sure they did say its coming). You just didnt get it day 1. Because new expansion feature.

Video games always have paths built in. WoW has a lot of variety in the paths you can choose.



If avenues have multiple, they don’t need more.

But I argued with you about how sucky Premade Groups as a tool is, and you insist it changing for the better would make you quit.

There’s already outbursts against the current system. I can do fine in Solo Shuffle. Times have changed since Cata.

I personally love Dragon Riding. But I don’t want others left out.

More years of this then.

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I don’t come here to grow and get enlightened by all that ever was, and all that will ever be.

It’s a video game with rules, buck up and follow them.


I tried to and got burned.

Different strokes for different folks.

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Some flame out while others burn bright

Dude. That’s Bobby’s side of the fence.

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Hey I look better in this ridiculous hat then you, that’s something. I hate when I forget to transmog.

Nah, this isn’t a sandbox game. You never have and never will be able to do anything you want anyway you want. You’ll also never enjoy every single aspect of the game. Dragon Riding is superior to regular flying in everyway except for afk’ing.


Imagine how hilarious the threads would be though, it would get so out of hand that Blizzard would almost be forced to make a statement. Then it would be even more hilarious because those angry players would now be screaming about how “IoN SaiD i’m A bAD plAYEr!!! ! !!” lol

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Ghostcrawler did that and regretted it.

If Riot’s MMO succeeds, this is a valid source.

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Many posters on this forum today wouldn’t be able to deal with Ghostcrawler, not even Bashiok, they’d have actual mental breakdowns.


I did just fine.

The problem is the way things now are currently being handled. 4 “Pillars or Die” expansions compared to Legion… not a good outlook.

The players of today and not the same as the players from 8+ years ago.

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I agree with everything you said, except for the flying. The old way blows. Lol

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I like Dragon Flying, mind you.

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The player base is never going to grow again. Ever.

Probably because the game requires too much investment to be enjoyable, and I tried, believe me. But being able to play the game, guild, group, or otherwise, should not be in the hands of another human.

Less to do with design decisions, more to do with the game and the genre. MMO’s had their moment of pop culture relevance and are now back in the niche they previously occupied.

Gamers now are largely on consoles and their phones. Unless WoW goes there, it’s not going to grow its player base.

Options do matter, and many are given in this game. In game design, too many options can very quickly become a bad thing. To have a game, you must have rules. You don’t have a game if you don’t. I’m not talking about the ToS. The all the options you give or don’t give the player to complete any given task make up the ruleset. Too many options can confuse and overwhelm players and can easily dilute the essence of the game.
