For the playerbase to grow, one way should never be the only way

It’s misery as it is now!

Let there be a contingency.

You say that as if there aren’t objective game design principles that can be applied to any given system.

Designing a game isn’t like pissing in the dark. There are tools.

Pretty certain you labeled me a “them” too with “loser talk”.

Nope.Your behavior is that of a loser. you can fix that. I’m not trying to mentally block out anyone with a differing view point.

As is yours, since clearly you hate the game and would rather belittle those who want it to improve.

That’s something Ion/Bobby would do.

Quit projecting, I’m already enjoying the game clearing keys. Actually pushed one while you were still sitting here crying your balls out because “no one wants to take you in” when you do not make any attempts at it.

Quit projecting as well, then.

“No you” is not an argument.

So’s “make your own group and join a guild”.

It’s literally the solution to your baby problem.

The real babies here are Team Git Gud.

Alright you clearly are arguing in bad faith. I suggest everyone to mute this guy and move on.

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Everything from your side was in bad faith to how WoW started.

whatever helps you sleep at night, solo lamb.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, right wing extremist.

I can’t say I agree - the forums are probably the happiest I’ve seen them in years. Sure, there are people who are complaining - there always are - but more people are happier and trying to push people not to rock the boat.

But if you disagree, let’s go through a thought experiment. First, here are some basic concepts.

1: Harder content should lead to greater rewards. Obvious.
2: Queued group content that is difficult is miserable. Less obvious but no less true.
3: There is an audience who enjoys working together to do challenging content. Also true!

If all 3 are true. There should be difficult content for those who enjoy it, and that content should be more rewarding to make up for the difficulty, and it should not be queueable.


You gotta be kidding me. I’ve been miserable since WoD.

It’s entirely possible for you, or I for that matter, to be miserable about something that makes the vast majority of the players happy.

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There’s literally nothing stopping everyone who would play queued m+ or raids from making/joining groups that just run off first come, first served picks though.

Calling this gatekeeping is like saying you are imprisoned in a place with no doors, walls, or guards.


Ain’t no point in arguing with that guy, hoss, he’d say the sun doesn’t shine and water isn’t wet just to be arguing.

QFT! If you can’t see the truth right in front of you, then you’re being willfully blind.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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