For the playerbase to grow, one way should never be the only way

Yet you are still here. You spend all this time complaining about the end game, saying that it will drive players away, yet are incredibly resistant to leaving a game that obviously is not a fun experience for you.

You will eventually be able to unlock everything in your profession knowledge tree.


I didn’t see “Groups only” every time I log on.

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Yea this is just not a good game design philosophy. If you’re system/gameplay loop isn’t appealing enough then fix it, don’t just have a second option by it’s side.

If you just let both forms of flying exist what incentive is there to improve Dragonriding? Which to me really seems like it could be way better with a couple number tweaks.

Like part of the problem with dragonriding as I see it is that you have to upgrade your dragons flying. So presumably it will feel way better when it’s fully upgraded. Then they should’ve just given us the fully upgraded version from the start.

To me Dragonriding’s only problems is energy balls refilling too slowly and forcing you to wait around. And also that mount collections aren’t incorporated. Both of these problems are fixable imo.

And you don’t see that as an issue?

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There’s more options than ever before.

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Also fewer players than ever before.


It’s unfortunate that a lot of people require a structured experience to enjoy themselves.

I’d think more people would enjoy being able to do what they prefer rather that what’s directed.

Oh, well. I guess classic thriving goes to show that the old ways are better. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I took my own advice, and seem to be having a much better time in game than you are.

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“Why is the game dying? I don’t see as many people in group content anymore”
Because you can solo everything.
“What no that has nothing to do with it, can’t be”

The only issue I see is you pretending that something which was present in WoW from day 1, is why people are going to leave.

Your issue seems to be “WoW isnt a single player game”. Guess what. It wasn’t ever one. If you start up WoW thinking it is a single player game and expect to get the same exact rewards as people who group/raid…that isn’t on Blizzard to fix it.


Yea human nature is unfortunate I guess. But in the real world more choices doesn’t always equal for a better experience.

Wow has actually always been playable solo even in Classic. The beauty of this game is actually a dirty word in game design. Pseudo-social.

Pseudo-social is the way.

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Blizzard could put out a quest where the only objective is “remain alive for 1 minute” and there would be 30 threads on here about peoples preferred playstyle being to experience the game as a dead/ghost.

Thankfully that’s still the case because heaven knows there’s nobody left on there.

You could solo end game BIS gear in Classic? On par with grouping/raiding?

Truth be told anyone that desires end game, top of the game gear from solo content is not made for this game.

No. But you don’t need end game BIS to enjoy the game. Most casual players didn’t even reach max level in vanilla.

WoW should probably go back to “raid/pvp or die” since that’s when the game was at its most popular.

What gear restriction is limiting solo players?

Rating locked gear, too.