For the playerbase to grow, one way should never be the only way

I’m not claiming it’s the only way to play, but I am saying it solves most if not all of your complaints.

If the problem is as widespread as you say, there should be no shortage of people willing to join any group without vetting them.


Interesting that the people who complain about “being gatekept” never seem to want to try to bypass the alleged gatekeeping. It’s almost like they would rather complain than play the game.


Redirecting the issue.

Keep talking from your lofty tower I guess.


Thanks for saying you haven’t read almost anything they’ve posted since announcing patch 9.1.5

You can only be gatekept by other players in M+ if you let them gatekeep you.

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Press X to doubt.


Except they have added more and more options over the years.

Except they arent coming for anyone’s content.

What a load.


I already called to remove your content because one of you called to remove mine.


You refusing to try the solutions offered is just you letting yourself be gatekept. You cannot be declined when you are the one inviting people to the group, and that is just a fact.


One example.

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They didn’t learn that with Profession Knowledge.

Profession knowledge was a result of players asking for more depth and progression to professions, combined with wanting professions to stay relevant at end game after SL’s profession crutch (legendaries), was removed.

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Well of course they are still in the Honeymoon Phase give it a couple more months they will come around. They did the exact same thing with Shadowlands. It was the best ever from Blizzard etc. Fast forward 3 months. Shadowlands is the worst Expansion ever! It takes a few months for the oohs and ahhs to wear off and then they start seeing the things they thought were fun turning into a real pain to do.

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Arguably by just playing the game we’re all accepting that fact of being gatekept and people aren’t going to stick around for it.

People can find more meaning in other games where tryhards and hardcores aren’t mindlessly squabbling over scraps.

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Just add Knowledge Respecs.

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They did for nearly 20 years.

A small amount did. Hundreds of millions thought otherwise.

gatekeeping wasnt why the “hundreds of millions” (LOL) left