For the playerbase to grow, one way should never be the only way

Yes! Why is it specifically WoW that won’t?

for keys?
here’s why you got declined from a key:

As for raid, I actually help lead a learning run of normal on the weekends, with minimal requirements to join. 1st come 1st serve, as long as we have a sane comp (if only 2 healers show up, DPS slots will be more limited than if 6 healers show up)

Because that’s against the entire principle of the game, lots of mechanics require multiple classes. It sounds like you should be playing skyrim instead.

Stop trying to bring down the integrity of the game to everyone else that doesn’t have social anxiety in front of a computer screen.

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Ah, if only that many people signed up. If at all.

And weren’t trolls.

The integrity of the game is nonexistent currently.

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I rarely find trolls in LFG for keys. I find players who aren’t as good as they think they are.

Very clever, certainly demanding to lower the bar to roughly no need to communicate with anyone else isn’t damaging to the game.

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So out of 120 applicants, you chose four, and the other 116 have to make forum threads about how awful a person you are.

This is why queues are superior to this garbage.

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I’d like to believe people are a little stronger mentally than having a crying breakdown over being declined to a group


If you would try listing your own key, you’d see similar things. Then you would have the power.

It’s not the declining from groups aspect.

It’s the “nobody will sign up for your group that’s chill/legitimate” aspect.

Stop complaining on the forums and do it. Tends to happen more that way.

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Some of the best games ever made were one difficulty only.

This is the game, play it.

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I don’t get why people complain, get told the solution, then continue to complain instead of implementing the solution.

It’s hard to want to play since the Season started.

oh boo hoo cry me a river, if you don’t want to play just say it. Don’t hide behind excuses.

It really does not matter how high or low the numbers are tuned. I have to pay to avoid this. And that’s not okay.

“mAkE yOuR oWn GrOuP oR jOiN a GuIlD” is not good advice.

It exactly solves your complaint, and for free. You not wanting to do that, does not make it bad advice, or a bad solution

You are choosing to play the game in a less fun way. You are being told things that will make it more fun. You not liking or ignoring them does not make them wrong.


“Rely entirely on others to invite you, and if things don’t go your way, complain” doesn’t sound like great advice either


I’d be more than willing to play if I was given the right to play.

Not bicker for years to finally add it.

Don’t put words in my mouth.

I come from a place of anger forged by forum vacation PTSD.

You have the right to play. You are just choosing to put obstacles in your own way.