For the playerbase to grow, one way should never be the only way

I’m willing to wipe. I just need a contingency when others screw me over.

Solo Shuffle says otherwise.

Maybe Blizzard needs to look into which mechanics are extremely tiresome and unfun?

Again, the onus is on Blizzard for making those mechanics to begin with.

The queue system would ditch keys and rely on Mythic+ rating.

Insert why the current system is bad here.

Welcome to my hell with premade groups.

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I’m willing to wipe. I just need a contingency when others screw me over.

Trust me, I love to wipe and try again. I used to raid lead for progression raiding way back when. That little improvements leading to success is fun for me.

That’s not what I’m talking about.

I’m talking feeding yourself into a woodchipper, because there is zero possibility of success. And when you finally give up and move onto the next group, it’s another woodchipper.

Solo Shuffle says otherwise.

Solo Shuffle just needs to figure out who are the worst players and it’s succeeded. It’s a zero sum game, so even if one side loses, the other won. With PvE, either the players win or they die.

Maybe Blizzard needs to look into which mechanics are extremely tiresome and unfun?

Again, the onus is on Blizzard for making those mechanics to begin with.

Why are you assuming the mechanics are unfun or mistakes? They’re a lot of fun, otherwise you wouldn’t be wanting to play it and would just stick to Heroic dungeons where you never have to worry about them.

But the whole point of the M+ system is that the mechanics have teeth, that you will die if you screw them up.

Which is antithetical to a queued system where you can get anyone.

The rest of it.

So we’re not talking just making it queueable, but tearing out the foundations of the current system.

Perhaps I’m wrong. What about M+ do you actually like?

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The majority of players here will act like everything is fine with the game. And anytime you ask for something like normal flying back they treat you like crap there’s tons of posts to prove it. And it’s quite obvious blizz’s formula ain’t been working forever. It’s true many players have ruined wow cause there selfish and could care less what other people want long as they themselves are happy .


You just summed up the OP.

its complicated. i think the downfall started exactly because it tried to appeal to everyone instead of picking a specialty.

you cant make everyone happy you gotta pick a side eventually or whatever you do will hurt half of the playerbase lol

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No, she summed up you.


I dont think that caused the “downfall”. There are a ton of factors, and I believe the largest one was MMORPGs no longer being the trendy fad.

There would have been a “downfall” of subs no matter what they did.

The current system which has just plainly failed to innovate to keep people.

The problem is the fact that even though Blizzard has stated that they want players to play the way they want to play, they do not back this statement up within the game.

They are too stuck in their old ways and are afraid to change. Which is too bad because if people could do whatever content they wanted, when they wanted, the way they wanted, and feel that their time was productive, not only would those customers continue to play the game, but would encourage their friends to play the game.

Blizzard should spend some time studying other successful MMORPGs and learn why people stick with those games.

This type of thing happens in corporations when they get too bloated. The bottom line become their sole focus and they forget that their customers actually don’t care about the bottom-line, they care about getting the most enjoyment from the product they purchased.


This is eloquently put.

The problem also lies on upper management too.

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This. I have tried soooo hard to use the dragon flying, but unfortunately because of my disabilities I just can’t make it work for me. I either run into stuff because I’m needing to look at the keyboard to see what keys I’m pressing (I have no feeling in my hands so I have no idea what keys my fingers are on unless I’m looking) or the reverse where I need to look at the screen and I hit the wrong button b/c my fingers are placed wrong and I didn’t know it , the dragon is going so fast by the time I look at the mini map to see where I am I have overshot where I need to be, and the dragon itself is so large I miss stuff even scrolled all the out (I usually ride the smaller mounts like the flying fox). So, I have taken to doing most of my stuff on the ground, unless it requires just a small hop up on the dragon, which I CAN control.

I can normally work around stuff like this, or make it so it works for me (30 years of needing to find creative solutions to what is normal for most other people will do that), however this is one I just cannot find a solution to. (And no, not flying is not exactly a solution, it’s more a weird compromise.)

I WANTED to like it, I wanted to be able to do it, but I feel its going to have to be like dungeons and raids, I just won’t do it and find something else.


One little trick you can do. You won’t get 100% of results, but 80% will do the trick in most circumstances… use the spacebar when flying. It counts as the flap up button, which is more than enough outside of races.

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Well thank god there’s still a lot to learn for the vast majority of players, those mythic raids aren’t gonna clear themselves.

All roads point to Mythic Raiding and +20 8/8.

Shouldn’t be.

Why? You don’t like it? The game has always been about clearing dungeons and getting gear. This hasn’t changed, never has. What are you expecting from the game?

I don’t like it. Because it feels like no matter what I do as of now, Solo Shuffle is my only path.

I’m really not sure what to tell you. It’s only normal for an MMO to have content that requires group play. You shouldn’t be able to solo everything. It’s part of the game.

There are already options to progress in game. Players just refuse to try them.

Because of people like you saying no.

Should you be able to solo a raid then?