For the playerbase to grow, one way should never be the only way


The outbursts are based around people unwilling to socialize, while expecting any social atmosphere to be automated.

You know what cures the pugging/group finder aspect? Making friends. Joining a guild.

They aren’t. Its coming.

More years of what then?

More years of challenging content being slanted towards people that want to actively work together?

I am ok with that.

Ghostcrawler was hated in WoW more than Ion is.

You issue isnt Pillars or Die.

Your issue is you want a pillar custom made to you. You aren’t asking for “Pillars or Die” to go away. You are asking for the pillars to be made easier.

It sounds like you actually want a single player game. That is the only time its not in the hands of another human.

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I strongly disagree.

the game needs to be LESS solo friendly, not more.

The Premade Group Finder needs a vast overhaul.

Ah, yeah, pointless advice. Real smart.

No. Of me arguing with someone who’s clearly riding Bobby’s cotails. (You, Akston. You.)

I hated Ion more than Ghostcrawler.

Yes! What’s so wrong about that?

Or a Single Player MMO.

And that’s why Bobby listens to you.


“I am having trouble pugging. And expecting me to socialize, make friends, or join a guild is pointless”.

That is a heckuva take that puts a lot of this thread in perspective.

Sigh. Ok. Attack the person. Not the point.

Its hypocritical in context. “I hate the system of pillars or die, unless i am personally catered to and its MY approved pillar”

Contradictory. Does not exist.

So anyways. We’ve come full circle.

You want to play a single player game. You don’t want to socialize with anyone. You want the game catered to you, while saying the systems that do not cater to you are bad…for no other reason than they do not cater to you. And any advice that goes against playing WoW completely solo, is seen as pointless. If anyone suggests such advice, they are seen as riding on Bobby’s coat tails. The ol “if you disagree with me you are a bad person” argument.


It’s basically IRL jobs. And I have issues with IRL jobs too.

Yours is too, for someone who’s arguing active suffering since Uldir.

You did the same to me, it’s warranted.

So’s excluding people from content you want others to enjoy.

No comment.

Yep, and shall for years until Blizzard finally caves. Whenever many years that is.

I was similarly (not identically, mind you) abused by “make your own group” people. So the hostility was earned here.

How is it an IRL job?


Whatever man.



Got it.

Someone else “abused” you, so now you have free range to “abuse” others.

All you are doing is showing you are the “toxic, anti social” people that Blizzard shouldn’t cater to.


“Can’t get a job if you don’t have experience. Can’t get experience if you can’t get a job. Start your own business!”

You realize how asinine that sounds?

On another BNet.

Then don’t disagree to terrorize, Team Git Gud.

Your gatekeeping is gross and toxic. Why you’re even allowed here after years of this I have no earthly idea.

As are you, Bobby’s Minion.

Shouldn’t cater to you either. Yet you are.

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The question is, if it’s that bad, why do so many of the DR lovers keep crusading to have old flying permanently removed when they could just not use it?

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Hence why both types of mounts/flying should be an option for all flying capable mounts.

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Yes. Especially since this does not apply to the conversation.

Why aren’t you on your other bnet?

They didn’t cater to me. I started playing WoW because I enjoyed how it was set up. I never demanded it changed for me.

I didn’t know this was even seriously asked?

If someone can’t dragon ride, then maybe it’s actually time to put up the keyboard.

Dragonriding is not hard.

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It does, actually.

“Can’t get a group unless you get experience. Can’t get experience if you can’t get a group. Make your own group!”

Dude, I have PTSD from you.

Wanted to start anew, apparently that didn’t work as I’m in the muck with you again.

Then why are you so vindictive towards people who want queues? Let me have my option, and I’ll let you have yours. In the end, I’m screwed and you are not.

You can totally get a group with out experience. I have yet to start any group myself in DF. I have experience. Works been busy, havent had time to work up to higher keys though.

If you say so.

Yeah, not buying this. Since you could have just “made another toon”.

Except we know that once queues are started for challenging content, people will complain that its too hard.

This will cause nerfing to take place, as long as queues exist.

You could try being social. Making friends. Joining a guild.

Bingo! That it what Blizzard has never understood. Some players might not like the way they want them to play and want to play the way they want to play. I would immediately buy the new expansion if I could use my existing mounts and fly like I always have. To be able to fly from quest to quest is how I have always wanted it. I HATE it when they say you have to do it our way because we know what is fun and you do not. I tried the Free trial and hated Dragon Flying. It is just another obsticle put in by Ion. Look Ion I just want to buy an expansion and enjoy the content right from the start I want to hear about what has happened and then head over to experience it. Is that so hard to do? Should have made that an optional part of the expansion instead of a focus point.



The other BNet had forum vacations.

Forum actions linger across the BNet and hurt gameplay, contrary to popular belief.

I tried that.

Shove it with your half baked advice.

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So? This bnet has had forum vacations.

…what are you talking about?

So because you failed at making friends and joining a guild, you want the entire game to turn into single player mode?

“I didn’t do the content, yet I’m telling you to do it.”


You deserve plenty more vacations for what you did to me.

Yes, so you can feel my pain.



Someone is being dramatic.

Well at least you are honest and this is why no one will listen to you. Have a great rest of your Christmas weekend. Moving on.

Sit down and shut up, as someone told you a couple years back.

As are you, bud.

Blizzard shouldn’t listen to you at all either. Yet… here we are.

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Then why are you so vindictive towards people who want queues? Let me have my option, and I’ll let you have yours. In the end, I’m screwed and you are not.

Let me ask you a question: how many wipes are you willing to tolerate per dungeon to avoid having to use the current form of group finder?

Do you want to play a dungeon where you could be there for literal hours with no hope of success? And when you give up and bail… the next one is the exact same? And the next one following?

Because unlike heroic or normal dungeons, Mythic+ is designed so that mechanics are far more important than gear, so no amount of ilvl requirements will prevent a Mythic+ from turning into a wipefest if your mechanics are garbage.

And for the vast majority of queued players, they are. Think of every LFR group that gets ramped to 10 stacks of determination because they face a somewhat challenging mechanic.

And worse, you don’t just pay some punitive coins, your keystone actually gets worse each time your group fails.

Which means those who actually want to progress in M+ will resort to premade groups, more and more, so the pool of those who are queuing for it will actually get even worse over time. Meaning more wipes and deaths, more keys trashed and more hopeless, pointless runs.

It isn’t even about whether Blizzard would nerf it in the end, but that a queued M+ group would be an utterly miserable experience for everyone who gets sucked into that hellhole.

And yes, that includes you.