For the love of God unlock the servers!

I have been back on Cataclysm for about a month now. The fact that my server is locked is mind blowing. My character is now in my 50s and I am just ready to leave this game because there is just nobody to play with. I am alliance I have only seen 1 horde player. Nobody ever in Ironforge. 1-3 people in Stormwind MAYBE at a time. And usually my server, Sulfurace, shows 43-50 people online every day. Can’t buy or sell hardly anything on the AH because there isn’t many buyers and sellers. Can’t even do dungeons because there are just too few players. What a dumb way to drive your players away. I will sooner quit again that put on a clown suit and pay money to transfer my character to another dead server. But I guess that’s all Blizzard wants from the players these days. If your not on a main server paying a bunch of real life money in some cash shop you are not the player they want.

Note: had to remove my first post and repost under the right character. Because, ya know, we need the most overly complex forum system to chat where every action is tied to a character and not an account.


take the free transfer to a more populated realm, you shouldn’t have even been able to make a new character on sulfuras in the first place because its getting shut down


So we just shutting down a server? Not merging it? That’s even worse!

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Merging it forces everyone to be merged. At least with this you have 3 optional servers.

It’s better to have fewer servers, and have the servers be populated. I understand it blows to be on one of the closing servers.
Before you pick a destination check so you don’t pick a 90% horde server as alliance, or the other way if you’re horde.

*edited as it posted with part missing

I cant post pics on here. But starting on a Cata server is very limited. You have 1 Medium server, 4 ‘Full’ servers, and 7 locked servers. 7! And the only open server is an RP server so if you wanted to join a Normal or PVP servers it’s out of the question. That’s why i stayed on Sulfuras in the first place.

Just go to Benediction… it’s one of your 3 options and you’re alliance and it’s an alliance server.

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I really hope they revert their decision.
I am happy on my realm. I don’t want to go to a populated realm.
I am not playing as I used to be. Just let us play the way we want to.

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Full server doesn’t mean you can’t go there, it just means it’s populated. I’m on Pagle a “full” server and we had no login queues for Cata launch

Okay so say I agree I want to transfer my character. These articles i clicked on dont give me a place to go where I can get off the dead server right now. Unless I want to pay $25 to Blizzard, which I don’t see the value there at all.

Log into the game. Be in the character select screen on the server you want to leave. Open the store from there and you will see the free transfer option if it is available on your server.

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ah, okay i found it. Strange I can’t access it from the website only in-game.

Edit: Also Benediction looks like an awful choice. Why join a PVP server that’s 99% Alliance? That kind of defeats the purpose. I’m going to pick Whitemane. Sure Alliance is at a disadvantage but at least it’s a bit more even.

Grobbulus is the only server that has pvp in the open world. Yes, its RP as well but nobody does that. Everyone there is there for the pvp. I don’t think ive came across anyone role playing. Go there if you want a pvp balanced server its the only option.

Also whitemane alliance is as dead as your current server. Its like 99% horde same as bene has 99% ally.


:100: TRUE

That’s 1 thing ESO does incredibly well. The overall active population is lower than that of WoW, but because everyone is on 1 megaserver - the world feels alive and crowded 24/7. Seeing other people interact with the same world brings so much yo your experience.

Blizzard should go back to their old days of glory and do what they did best - steal ideas and content from other games and implement it into WoW.

Wow tavern shows Whitemane is like roughly 35/65 Alliance/Horde. Unless I’m wrong. I don’t see why we have to rely on 3rd party websites when the devs could literally just tell os how many people are on a server. But I guess you sell more server transfers if you hush hush your player base on details.

Edit: I already picked Whitemane because they only gave me 3 options. If this server doesn’t work out I’ll just leave. I’m not playing go fish on servers with this game after this.

Gotta love when you answer your own question xD

it’s so dumb though. This company used to make great games. I say used to because I refuse to play retail WoW. The new expansion does not out weigh a cash shop. I firmly believe a true MMO should not have a cash shop. And if they want it, there should be select servers for it. I am going to stop replying here because I am wandering way off my original topic.

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so you just chose to ignore the people telling you which servers are better to go to as an alliance, and then blame blizzard because you “only had 3 options” and don’t want to deal with the consequences of your actions.

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No i said I don’t want to join a server that’s 99% Alliance. The wow populattion sites I went to showed that server had like 0 Horde. If i wanted to play against no Horde I would play a Normal Server.

so you just chose to ignore the people telling you which servers are better to go to as an alliance, and then blame blizzard because you “only had 3 options” and don’t want to deal with the consequences of your actions.

Not what I said. I looked at the 3 options. One was 99% Alliance, one was 99% Horde, and this one is sort of somewhere in the middle. I’m playing on a PVP server. Pointless if the server is one sided.

Final Edit: You really wanna balance a server. Take one that’s 99% Horde and one that’s 99% Alliance and merge them. But that’s just my opinion I guess. Peace.

Good luck playing ally on a 99% horde server.