For the love of God unlock the servers!

Grobbulus has everything youre looking for. It is the ONLY pvp realm left with a sizable faction on both sides. Idk about IF numbers but ive seen no ally while leveling and been on whitemane since day 1 vanilla, our ally pop fled in tbc. Maybe some recent xfers like u with realms closing, but almost nothing sizable from my eyes as a horde there. Go go grobb if you want to be happy.

Yea I’m just gonna start over on Grobbulus. I wish that was an option for the free transfer.

I found my server locked today. I never received a free transfer. This is BAD business.

It isn’t something they send. You can see a list of free transfer destinations through…

You may wish to take some time to research the potential destination servers prior to transferring though.


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This is one of the worst hot takes ive seen in a long time. I dont have anyone to play with…rolls minority of a mostly horde server. Fun fact, bgs, dungeons and TB are all cross server. So all your doing by going to a horde server is insuring your solo leveling journey is just that.

Bad necro bad!

sprays gnome with water

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