For the love of god FIX IT

That may be the issue then cause I think the vendor’s on the mammoth are faction specific!

So I’m not seeing this problem. Mounted up the mammoth as alliance and both toons are able to use it. Then again they’re both my toons, but still opposite factions.

OP, is there a specific dungeon you were seeing this in?

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I think it happens within keystones. I’ve briefly heard of this happening when a keystones is being ran. Maybe raids too?

Yeah I’ll try actually zoning it.

I did just notice that you can’t mount x-faction druids or use /follow. Ugh.

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i thought it was because ppl dont have authenticators so they cant change the extra settings or something like that but idk…

it is annoying actually.

Alright /follow and all that jazz works in an actual instance.

And the vendors are still usable by both factions. Hmm. Need to know the dungeon/raid this OP used this in to test further.

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Try shoving a keystone in and see what happens.

No toons with keys :rofl:

I’ll just wait to see what OP says as far as where he saw this issue.

you can snag one from the dude in oribos and all good!

Nope I actually see what the OP is talking about. Going to test it again but I am LOLing so hard right now.

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Oh… woops lol I didn’t see that either.

OP, are you selecting the correct faction’s mammoth? There’s actually two different mammoths :slight_smile:

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And that’s the thing if he is in a raid group, the YAK may be a better alternative til something is fixable with that.

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Indeed they are.

Yes it is. Which is what I kept trying to explain. Though why it changes with raid lead, I don’t know. So yes, OP is right, that is a bug.

92 posts for someone else to finally understand what I said in my first post. :pensive:

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I think there’s some confusion, so I’ll clarify.

There’s two different mammoth models. What you see in the screenie is from my horde’s perspective. It has the alliance yak selected, and of course can’t mount it because it’s alliance-only. Look two entries up and you’ll see the horde version, which is selectable.

I’m wondering if OP is simply selecting the wrong mammoth entry from the journal. It doesn’t help that both models appear when marked as “Usable only”.

BTW, I had no idea there were two different models until now (horde has red markings, alliance has blue - never noticed before).

Both factions were still able to use the NPCs, its just whoever was mounting had to select the correct model.

Oh I didn’t read your post LOL XD


Ignored user quotes show up still so I’ll comment on it:

There’s a distinct difference between “different faction NPCs” and “straight-up different models”. One doesn’t imply a different model, the other does.

the npcs between the ally and horde were diff I thought for the mammoths. The horde has a gobo and troll and alliance has a drani and I think a gnome.

Correct, the NPCs that sit on the mammoth are different.

What was not stated was that the mammoth itself was also different. Now we know.

oooh got you I said it as they were diff meaning the mammoths are diff in models and all that but I see what you mean now. All good!

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