For the love of god FIX IT

Gambit and streets are STILL BUGGED
people listing for streets can only see gambit IO on mouseover has been this way since it was released

It shouldn’t just say dps, it should list spec. Am I getting an enhancement or elemental shaman? Time to look it up on raider io? Nope they found another group!

Travelers tundra mammoth doesn’t work in the raid if the raid leader is horde pls fix.

Can I click the same summoning stone that the horde is clicking in my party? Sometimes yes sometimes no. Pls fix

Oh look I can whisper them, they can’t whisper me. Or it’s the other way around. Who knows? fix it blizzard

What the warlock in my group knows how to pull extra packs of trash THROUGH A WALL with their warlock gate ability? So if I don’t bring a warlock who knows the hacks my mythic plus timer isn’t competitive. Fix it blizzard


Elemental. Now go level sir.


You seem upset, would you like a popsicle?


I want one.


Yeah, it’s annoying. Whenever I have a Gambit or Streets key I write it in the title. If I join one, I always ask to confirm. They should really fix it.

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They have faction specific NPCs. It’s always been like this. Use the Yak.


Excellent points. Also add in that the hunter pet sometimes bugs out in gambit when you drop down and then notice that you can’t kill command. Right as we pop lust and all cd’s.

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Not acceptable “it’s always been this way” is what’s wrong with a lot of stuff in this game


It’s a faction specific NPC. That’s not changing. You have other options. Use them, instead of acting like a Karen.


Can you elaborate more on what you mean by this?

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Well,… if you are offering.

Mama said don’t take candy from strangers… she said nothing about popsicles.


Wrong again Karen mode activated

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Please enlighten me as to what I’m wrong about. That the NPCs are faction specific or that you have other choices. Because neither of those are wrong.


Dear OP,
The Bug Forum is Over There —> Bug Report


I should be able to repair on my repair mount I paid wow gold for regardless of raid leader faction

@kiwi this is more negligent game design than bugs

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So in other words, nothing I said was wrong, you’re just acting belligerent. As usual. Got it. Bye bye.


I’d think not being able to use your own mount would be a bug but shrugs.

He can use his own mount. He can’t use the opposite faction’s mount. The Tundra Mammoth has faction specific NPCs.

Call me a Karen and ignore my issues. Thank you for your massive contribution to my thread

Oh, he said:

So I thought it was his own mount.