For the love of god FIX IT

which dungeon? and what key level are you doing?

I’ve already explained how it cotnradicted what I said I understood from his OP and still made no sense to me. When I blatantly asked what I was wrong about, he never clarified again, thus leaving me with no solid understanding.

Not sure how many more times I can explain that. And actually, I’m not wasting my time to explain it any more. I owned up to the misunderstanding and apologized. Particular reason you keep beating a now dead horse?

Dude, you’re the one that brought up this subject, not me. Don’t try to blame this on me when I never once brought it up here. I literally said it has nothing to do with this thread to drop the subject and you’re STILL going on about it.

Good lord… he went crying to the GMs about? LOL :woman_facepalming:t4:


When you have people saying you’re someone else and you get tired of it, what else are you supposed to do?

To add: I ain’t getting in your all’s debacle back and forth. Ya’ll figure that out. Just saw that bit and figured I would link the forum thread clarifying.


I ignored it when I was accused of being multiple people. Or just laughed about it with others. And believe me, I’ve been accused of that often.

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They need to allow people to see folks alts or go by btag or something. It often does get confusing and sometimes you seriously question if 2 people are the same or if someone is trying to pretend to be someone else just to drum up issues.

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As usual you bring drama where none is needed.

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I’ve been advocating for putting our Btags under our name, level, race and class info. It’ll fix a lot of issues.

Especially with TwiddleDee and TwiddleDum. ><’

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No dude, HB started that, not me. Don’t accuse me of bringing up his problems that he brought here. And you’re literally the one who got all dramatic at ME after I gave you alternate options to HELP YOU.

This is par for the course for you, though.

LOL fair enough.


Ya’ll just get along. Life is too short!

As well as ignoring posts that you make and then claiming they’re not clear enough or whatever excuse #20314 is.


Any sensible person would say “my bad for calling you someone who trolled a very sensitive subject”. Instead we have victim blaming. What a surprise.


Well I tried.

Can’t reason with victim blamers. I was mistaken to take them off ignore so now it’s time to reverse that.


Anyway back to what the OP was talking about. I would take the information that you put here and put it in a full on bug report in the bug report section of the forums. That way the devs can look at it and hopefully get it fixed soon.


Wouldn’t have derailed a thread with the subject and then blamed someone else for it. Yet you did exactly that.

Finding it amusing that you went to a GM over it is nowhere NEAR victim blaming.

I love how I’m being accused of drama in this thread, yet we have all of this going on that I never once started.

Oh, that knowledge is much appreciated and it’s something I’ll make sure to never say again, and also correct others on his behalf. I’ve already bookmarked your post for linking later if necessary. But I don’t appreciate his accusations and blaming me for what he brought into this thread.


Might be worth trying other mounts as well (e.g Bruto if it’s available)


Which I literally put in my first post and it was outwardly dismissed.

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I don’t have the bruto ironically but I always use the YAK. The YAK’s vendor’s I believe are neutral.

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Now I’m curious.

Logging in to a couple accounts to try this myself.