For the love of god FIX IT


Interestingly enough, looking through my mount journal, this looks like it’s the only mount in the game where two unique models share the same name. That’s probably further adding to the confusion. What fun this is :slight_smile:


Mythic sepulcher
I don’t have any horde tunes

Middle of raid

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I could only test at the entrance. Did just now and mammoths were usable.

You don’t have to have horde toons. You automatically get the opposite faction’s version when purchasing.

When you search for traveler in the mount journal, do you see more than one entry?

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Just one entry

Ok. And just to double check, you can’t mount it at all correct?

Since your alliance, does the mammoth you can’t mount have blue markings on it?

Not sure I can think of anything else. I was able to use both mammoths on both toons and the toons were able to use each other’s vendors as well.

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Guess it’ll be a real gambit!

I can mount it it’s just not letting me repair

Have you tried exiting the game, deleting your cache folder and trying again?

Ok, found this Wowhead comment.

Sounds like something is causing or allowing the opposing variant to be summoned? Still seems weird that you can’t use the npcs. My hordie could use the ally npcs and vice versa. Hmm.

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This is exactly the problem I’m dealing with.

Thank you for shedding light on this issue and not being “the drama” unlike others :roll_eyes:


so summon it when you drop down…?

Yeh that’s what I do but its annoying if I forget to do it sometimes. I don’t just play a hunter and sometimes it slips my mind.

What do you have?

If you join a group that has the opposite faction as the lead and enter a raid or dungeon your own traveler tundra mammoth becomes unfriendly to you.

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