For the love of god FIX IT

Well for what it is worth, I think it sounds like a bug. That said, maybe there is some technical reason that it has to do what it does, idk.

Thought though… could you ask them to pass lead to you quick so you could repair? Not ideal of course, but just trying to be helpful.



That’s a good idea I don’t know if it works or it’s set once you zone in will test

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That seems like a better thing to try than “go spend 100k on a mount”.


I’ll fetch a mop

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Coming here and yelling FIX IT is sure to garner results.


you cannot use the mount because the npc’s are coded to only respond to same faction players. they are hard coded unfriendly/hostile towards opposing faction players.

What bug is this???

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I mean if you don’t know it I’m not gonna spread it around just know it exists and people are using it to cheese key timers

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Oh yeah understandable cause it could be considered an exploit. I’ve done streets at (I think) an 18 and gambit at like… 15 I think? I wasn’t sure cause we just went in and smashed stuff lol

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That is a secret feature of ours.

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Dang it Sara I’m a lock too.

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Blame the OP. They exposed us.



I don’t even know what the op is referencing! D:


I did not get the completions achievement from mythic street neither gambit. Blizz could not help me they only sent me a auto answer on my ticket. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh lord I didn’t even know that was a thing! Oof, yeah that needs massive fixing.

Strange I haven’t been having that issue. Then again, I can’t see for diddle so I could simply not be noticing lol

Oh I 100% agree and knowing cov right off the bat too! Some folks like to go and do their own builds etc. I don’t mind obv and honestly more inclined to invite someone doing off meta or off path builds just to see what happens.

I can click alliance ones NP. For now, you initiate the summons then I clicky clicky. I agree that needs fixed if the ally are having issues clicking on horde portals.

That one I think they have to talk in the chat and you do too. So if you say hello right when they come in and they say hi it fixes it. I haven’t had that issue when everyone speaks BUT if someone doesn’t talk then I have the issue. The right click whisper thing needs fixed while in party I agree with that!

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He tends to not make any sense in his posts and said something opposite of what he originally said, while giving me attitude, instead of actually explaining from the start.

Had he just said, “you misunderstood” and explained after my first post, then I would have apologized and we could’ve moved on to this belonging in bug reports.

But instead, I was met with:

And it wasn’t until MUCH later, when he also decided to accuse me of attacking him, that he finally realized there was miscommunication.

Apologies to the others who tried to follow the conversation and I’m sorry I misunderstood, clarification without the attitude would have been much more helpful.

Of course I did. Because you are. That’s been blatantly obvious to everyone for weeks. Though not even remotely a subject that has anything to do with the subject at hand.

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You directly responded to his clarifying post with the same “faction-specific npc” drivel.

Very, very wrong, and for you to spout that off on such a sensitive subject was beyond absurd and you know it.


Actually a GM clarified that he wasn’t.


“This is to say, if they are attempting to play copycat, it feels amateurish at best and I’m surprised that folks would fall for it. Though the longevity of the bit, if it is a bit, is impressive. At this stage, given the lengthy history of that posting style on their account, I don’t know if we’d penalize them for it.” - Vrakthris’s quote