For the love of god FIX IT

There’s no other way to interpret that.

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Yeah, I am confused now.

It is my own mount

The Tundra Mammother has faction specific NPCs. He said he can’t use the Hord raid lead’s mammoth in his OP.

Then I would think that was a bug.

I haven’t done any x-faction stuff… does it turn you into the other faction ala Durnholde Keep?

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Wow just realized you attacked me without even understanding my thread

Someone here is “belligerent” and it’s not me LOL


I never attacked you. :roll_eyes:

Currently bleeding out all over the forums from this massive wound

No he didn’t, he said he can’t use the mammoth if the raid leader is horde. Nothing about using the raid leaders mount.


Which lead me to believe he was talking about the raid leader’s mammoth. Which is faction specific.

Which he could have explained when I asked:

Instead, he just went off on his usual snark.

I also gave him an alternative for the issue, which was batted aside as unacceptable.

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Remember when some of us said that cross faction play was going to be a lot more difficult than simply toggling it on, and we got laughed at?



He did clarify, but you followed it up with


Then again you proclaimed I was Edamann earlier this week, so I don’t know whether to take you seriously.



Sorry, but I’m with Thallia on this one. The OP is complaining about how members can’t use a Travellers Trunder Mount Vendors if on the opposite faction, acting like it is a bug needing to be fixed, considering the vendors are “faction specific”.

That’s not what the OP is saying. They are saying people can’t use their own mount if the rl is of the other faction. Like it makes you temp the other faction like Durnholde Keep dungeon does to Horde.


Not sure how that can get any clearer. I also posted this quote right before your reply to me.


You mean the OP can’t be clear about that in the Opening Post, and has to put it about 15 post down later


Yes this is exactly what I was saying before the attacks on my character began

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Dont need to repair if you dont die.

To which he still received a “faction-specific npcs hurdur” response made directly to the clarifying statement?

And the OP doesn’t even say he’s using someone else’s mount, just that they can’t use x mount if raid leader is the opposite faction. It doesn’t say “i can’t use the raid leader’s mount”.


“Still not exactly clear about it in the opening post” means it isn’t clear as there is multiple ways a post can be deemed as.