For the four of you that still want covenants locked

Just in case since you indicate you know all 4 players that feel this way could you give me the other 3’s name@server?

Truthfully I would love to see objective data showing that you are in the majority on this. Not just echo chamber, confirmation bias, all the people I know feel this way, but actual hard data.

The voices we hear are usually the loudest and not necessarily the most numerous. People that are happy with a thing rarely go out and shout at other people about that feeling.

Please note, I still would have played all those characters even if it WAS unlocked.

I’m a terrible altoholic, I actually built those 16 characters to be played (not t just for THIS purpose), and regardless of THIS happening, I prefer to have a different characters to play different specs (i.e. This is my Enhance Shaman, but I have a second Shaman to play Ele. That Shaman is also a different race, which gives it a different feel while playing).

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This is constantly parrotted on these forums but hardly ever reciprocated by any sizable portion of the playerbase.

Why do we need covenants to be a restrictive choice? Who thinks that it’s a positive impact on the game? At best it’s something that doesn’t bother people. Your argument of “well I don’t think YOU should be able to swap!!” is just horrible. It doesn’t speak to how it improves your personal gameplay experience, it just serves to show how much you’re worried about spiting other players.

Factions and races make sense for the game. They exist before you even make your character. That is an actual fundamental of the game that you know of before you even sign up. Covenants being locked do not given the history of all the other temporary borrowed power features that all served to increase creativity and flexibility.

If restrictions are what you call meaning, that doesn’t mean that increasing the “meaning” is a good thing. Just slapping that buzzword onto it doesn’t mean it’s working well.

It really is mindblowing that there are people concerned with other players disinterest in the bad RP reasons to want to stick with one covenant.


It has a small portion of the playerbase doing more solo leveling maybe. Unfortunately this is an MMO that thrives on end game group content.


Because choosing ONE and sticking with it is PART OF THE STORY.

It’s not rocket science, why can’t you understand this ONE concept?

They shouldn’t even GIVE us a choice to switch. It should have been a HARD option, where you CANNOT switch, because your covenant is supposed to DIRECTLY RELATE TO THE STORY.

However, because people like yourself complained, they relented and said, “oh, ok, you can change, but it’ll be difficult.” Then people like you complained AGAIN, and they went, “Oh, ok, we’ll make it easier to switch.” That’s STILL not enough for you and now you’re like “LET’S JUST SWITCH WILLY-NILLY AT OUR WHIM!”

Now they are telling you no, and you’re whining about it.


Even that doesn’t make any sense.

We do daily quests for each zone, we complete emissary rewards for each zone, we face powerful enemies of the respective covenants in dungeons in each zone, and we’re united in facing the threats of the Maw and even Torghast.

Hell, why stop there!!! Pick a covenant and then you can ONLY do quests and dungeons from that zone!! woohoo

I am giving gameplay feedback.

Also, was it a lore RP reason for you to pick the BIS Enhancement shaman covenant or is that just a massive recurring coincidence lmao


Lmao. And I thought I was being the idealist here.

You keep heavily implying you “can’t” switch when the truth of the matter is you know exactly how you can do so and are either too stubborn or too lazy. If this was a single-player RPG, you could mod this out, but since it isn’t, you’re all out of luck.

Know what I want?? The Legendary Cloak and Ring questlines put back in the game (since their removal destroys all post-launch story content of those expansions). They aren’t going to do so, so I move on with my life. And that is content that is just flat-out GONE.

A locked choice is not being able to have Weapons of Order and still do Ember Court.

What, exactly, would be the problem with me being able to do Ember Court? How does that hurt anyone?

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You’re clearly just being dishonest with this. You know what I mean when I say switch. I do not mean the one time, simple to do switch.

Don’t be willfully ignorant. If I want to swap to a more enjoyable build for different content on different days of the same lockout, I can’t go back and forth. So instead, I just won’t do it at all, won’t explore the various other options or builds, and will lessen my /played in other content.

It’s not an extreme request; we’ve ALWAYS been allowed to do so with previous borrowed power systems. It doesn’t mean that the whole game would collapse to be able to swap builds as freely as we’ve always been able to.

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No, I know exactly what you want. You want the equivalent of vanishing powder for Covenant talents. Which means we might as well not have Covenants at all.


No, you’re whining. Otherwise you wouldn’t be going on about it.

Pretending to do it “rationally” doesn’t make it any less a whine.

Nice extremist view, you sound like a member of a political party…

Except that’s not it. Being a member of “X” group in an MMO means that you get exclusive rights to things only that group can access, but general things like entering general areas or dungeons are open to everyone, again because that’s PART OF THE STORY.

Seriously, stop going to extremes, stop whining, stop trolling, and stop acting like your “feedback” is actually rational.

It’s not.


You sound like you spend way too much time on forum arguments and allow your emotions to carry over from one thread you’re angry about to the next thread you decide to jump into. Keep that out of here.

What the hell is extreme about wanting to swap a build more freely lmao. All you’re doing is trying to insult me. You’ve done it multiple times throughout this thread. Are you just mad that I didn’t give you attention the first 4 times?

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Say with me “There is no ripcord”, so they can’t pull it. They would have to gut the current system and the rewrite a replacement, that would take them time probably and entire season of content flushed away. SL would become WoD 2.0 over night.

I would love it if they had designed the system differently, make the covenant power progression not tied to a single covenant but allow you to pick and choice ability sets and soul binds based upon your reputation with a covenant but at this point it is too late.

You sound like you just lost the argument.

That’s not even close to anything I’ve said in this thread. You’re delusional.

I see we’ve approached the “we have no more tangible arguments so let’s just spew nonsense” portion of the thread. Keep it coming. :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Someone entering a thread and spamming “YOU’RE WHINING, YOU’RE A TROLL” is not an argument. There is nothing to counter.

But you’ll of course ignore what they said to cry about what I said because of your stance on the topic. Their point about the story is factually wrong - we do plenty of things alongside the story to aid and assist all the covenants. The whole next patch is about uniting covenants. That was the only relevant point they tried to make and it was wrong


Yes I agree with what they said, and your response was an assumptive insult, a clear indicator that your argument has no steam left.

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So, wait, you think my response was an insult but

are all good, honest discussion to you?


cut it out. if you’re saying that to me for responding to the above the way I did, you’re basically saying the person you’re agreeing with had no argument from the get-go. I addressed their points directly, they resorted to insulting me

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You say you want to just “try out” other abilities from other Covenants. But it becomes quite clear when you are told how you can do so with minimal effort, you complain about lockouts and not being able to go back. Which tells me your entire “I’m just curious about other talents” stance is BS, and what you want is to be able to use optimal abilities for any situation, or you frankly wouldn’t care about being stuck in Necrolords for a couple lockouts before going back. You don’t want to “try things out”. You want to switch as often as every couple hours. Just like nearly everyone else who makes this argument.

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