For the four of you that still want covenants locked

I hate how pvp gear world quest gear and so on is tied to covenant rank, I cant even be a peaceful nonparticipant if i want to be in this xpac :confused:

You keep circling back to this over, and over, and over when I’ve explained why there’s more to it than that many times. You can disagree with it, that’s fine, but stop doing all this

you’re taking it way too far trying to turn it into something much more personal than it is.

I’m not sure what has you so angry. But what I would want to enjoy in game should not be the reason you’re this upset. I’ve laid out my reasoning many times for you to read above. We don’t have to keep going back in circles where you’re dishonest about the summary of my argument.

and even if THIS were true, which I never said once so this is a hypothetical that has you this mad, why would that impact your gameplay at all other than you being presumably upset that someone else got what they wanted?

you would never have to switch if you didn’t want to. we don’t do the same content, so you’d never run the risk of being at a disadvantage from the people that would want to swap that much, and you’d be more than capable of filling groups with similar minded players who don’t want to swap meaning you’d probably make more friends who wanted to play the game the same way as you.

why are you so angry at people that might want that?

this is like the raider io argument. people that dislike raider io don’t have to use it and they can fill their groups with similar minded people. and if you’d struggle to find people to fill your groups, maybe your version of the game is less desired by most of the playerbase and you should be happy that more people enjoy the game, not less.

and if you don’t do group content, none of it should matter to you anyway because there are absolutely no social implications for you as a player

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I also don’t care that they’re locked. Once I heard of the covenants and abilities, I decided I wouldn’t “push” this xpac. I also pick the covenant based on what feels right for the character, ability be damned.

However I understand the problem for those that want to push content and push in different areas of content. Being optimal at all you decide to engage in was never a problem before in this game. As long as a player was willing to put in the time, they could be optimal in all content.


This makes sense to me. Agreed.

Outta likes :blue_heart:

I’m still waiting for somebody to explain to me why it would be so terrible for me to be able to do Ember Court while still having Weapons of Order.


Covenant , a binding promise of far-reaching importance in the relations between individuals, groups, and nations. It has social, legal, religious, and other aspects.

Seems to make a lot of sense from a story perspective to me.

I get why you don’t like it from a gameplay perspective.


That’s not the point. The point is:

“For those of you who still think it’s a good idea, why would being able to swap change anything for you when you don’t have to swap anyway?”

I mean, like, well done you. You stood up and identified yourself as the party being asked a question. Then you just stood there awkwardly not actually saying anything. Like that one kid in school who got asked what the answer to a math problem was but all he did was stand up and say “present.” Yes, dear, we know, but what’s your answer?

You have a choice whether you can change your mind or not. You chose your transmog, did you not? You chose your current talent spec, assuming you didn’t use a guide, did you not? You chose which covenant you liked, did you not?

These were all absolutely choices you had.

The ability to change your mind later doesn’t mean you didn’t have a choice. It doesn’t mean you don’t have a choice. Making a choice almost never means you can’t make a different choice later.

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I don’t think covenants should be locked but this Is the same as if Blizz said classic would have a setting to turn off and on an in-game quest log

Why make a post with that goofy title when you have to know, with Ion Hazzikostas confirming that in 9.1 they’re sticking to their guns, that you don’t have as many backers as you claim?

Here’s the thing - Ion Hazzikostas/Blizzard wouldn’t defy the Ripcorders if it wasn’t something Blizzard could afford to do. They have the metrics - you do not. They have the metrics to make the decision to stick to their guns. Them sticking to the current system is proof itself that not nearly as many people hate Covenants as you seem to believe.

Like, you can try to make plenty of other arguments if you like, but claiming everyone hates Covenants is just goofy and wrong, you’re wrong and you lost.

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I dont know what their line of thinking is with this. People ARE leaving the game in droves. The covenant system, while cool in retrospect, should absolutely NOT be tied to abilities. they need to be separated so players can play what covenant they want to play, all the while still having their best covenant ability.
covenant isnt even a choice like blizzard thinks it is. you are absolutely forced to choose your class’ best covenant and I imagine you will get kicked from groups if you didnt. I havent seen it myself, though I havent progressed to high keys in mythic dungeons, or done any mythic raiding yet


Yeah, idc how other people play this game or whether covenants are locked. I don’t aspire to change mine, and I don’t care which one is “best” for such-and-such spec and class. My skill negates all of these 1% increases that people obsess about. I make all of them work on any spec I play.

Side note, my face hurts from cringing so much every time I see “pull the ripcord.” So edgy, so trendy.

And if the person hashtags it, then sometimes my face sticks in that cringy expression, and I can’t get it loose for like 45 minutes.

So played out and passe. Enough already. I know dude said it. OK, everyone knows it. The title of the thread is explanatory enough without the bandwagon slang.

Doesn’t make a lick of sense anyway, as “pulling the ripcord” is something that slows you down, not speeds you up. His usage of the phrase to indicate “speeding” up the process is poor at best. I’d say he misspoke. I would have used a phrase that indicated removal of all barriers and a big boost in speed.

“Hit the accelerator,”
“Press Turbo Boost,”
“Nuke all the barriers,”
“Melt all the chains,”

And if you want something related to planes and/or skydiving:

“Jump out of the plane,”
“Go full throttle,”
“Ditch the parachute,”
“Hit the afterburners,”

Any/all of the above make more sense.

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No. The player base is at “normal levels” according to the source I believe you’re alluding to with the 41% statistic.

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In 8.1, do you think the systems became as open as possible? What about in 7.1? 6.1?

Every expansion, the borrowed power systems come out with restrictions that people dislike. They never change it right away.

Legendaries were originally excruciatingly difficult to collect and you basically had a hard cap of 3 for the first patch; some people were lucky to get 4. They then opened up the drop rates in a following patch because people didn’t have enough options to enjoy the system. Following that patch, they added a currency and the system was opened entirely. Everyone always says Legion was great in the second half, but horrible in the first half. I wonder why that is?

Azerite in its original iteration was supposed to have permanent azerite-traits. Once you selected it on a piece, it was that way forever. That was quickly changed after Beta to having expensive reforge costs. The next patch, those costs were lessened dramatically to again open up the feature to be more enjoyable.

Corruption was something that was almost exclusively RNG. Throughout the course of that patches lifecycle, they would then add increased or more guaranteed corrupted items as well as a currency to (once again) open up the system.

There has not been a borrowed power feature that is not eventually opened up. It not happening in the first patch has never really changed the course of what will happen. Sometimes it takes a patch, sometimes two. This will not be different, which is why every bit of feedback on it has purpose. Just like it did for all those other features.

And hell, even if we don’t get all the way there, getting closer to what people want with more swappable/unlocked covenants would only serve to improve the game. They just dangle the hope of it infront of everyone to keep them playing and when they start noticing the /played dip to a level they don’t like they’ll add it in as an effort to draw people back.

You’re fine with the product being worse off when the game first comes out knowing that they’ll “fix it” later; personally, though, I’d just like to skip the theatrics and have the game be as good as it can be from the get-go

I love when people try to stake a claim in this discussion as if it’s something with teams where one can “win or lose” despite the game being an on-going work in project. Something not happening yet does not mean you “win” or that I “lose.”

The only thing that happens is that the game is less enjoyable than it could be. And hey, if you’re gonna flaunt that you think you’re winning in my face… I’ll flaunt that I still get to do whatever content I want at a much faster rate than you as the “winner,” it could just be a better experience for everyone. If “winning” means hurting that experience for a large audience, well, good for you. I’m very proud of you for doing… whatever it is you did to “win.”

2 is not a trend.

Blizzard has been able to hastily backpedal when the numbers are actually against them. They tried to take away flying completely, and had to backpedal pretty immediately to Pathfinder in WoD. The reality is that the pressure they get is not as strong as you think it is, they just choose to “open things up” later in the expansion so they can have it both ways - the people who want the RPG systems can play early on, and the people who dislike the RPG mechanics and want an action game only can play later. It’s really, really not them “realizing they were wrong”.

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I’m fine with the covenants being semi locked.

Atleast I was until they made warlocks basically one spec with 3 builds

What a horrendous summary. Covenants and features like it have never been the defining factor of what an RPG is, let alone what WoW is as an RPG

Classes are a core feature of RPGs. Covenants are simply a very small class-like choice.

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because I dont pick things based on RP ? …

I think you would be right if they balance these properly