For the four of you that still want covenants locked

Yes, that is what I meant :roll_eyes:

We did that when we chose our faction and class. They could barely balance those properly. Now we have dozens of dead talents per class while they fumble trying to balance covenants.


I’ll ask you the opposite question: Why do you feel the need to switch covenants willy-nilly, and NOT have a hard RP choice (which makes MORE sense).

I don’t call myself a Ventyhr Enhance Shaman or a Night Fae Mage or anything like that.

However, it makes less sense for an RP choice to not be a HARD choice here, same as the class you picked.

Honestly, I’m against race and faction changes as well.

Personally, I think the way you can switch covenants now is super easy, but I don’t have any need or desire to switch them, because I have enough alts that I can play any covenant I want, and I planned out which of my characters were going to be which covenants long before SL even launched.

I’m fine with the choice I’ve made (or plan to make in the future).

Why are you SO unhappy with yours?


Sounds like a winner to me then. Factions and the divide have brought us how many years worth of WoW?

I don’t care about your personal reasons just as you don’t actually care about “the 4 people who want to keep things as they are”. The fact (which hasn’t fallen flat by any means) still is in the rest of what I said.

Let’s not also forget or ignore you CAN change covenants more or less on a whim (or so I’m told…I haven’t swapped yet save for a lowbie I later decided to play strictly for the last campaign before they even left Oribos for the first time)…it’s just the changing back. Regardless, you do have a path to swapping and while I’m not arguing how relatively unfriendly it is, it at least does still exist

Boomy in every mythic cn kill…

Lylabear is boomy in keys…

No you do not.

It’s not out of necessity. It’s out of desire. I will always default to the best one and if I can’t swap conveniently that’s just what I’ll stay on.

That means the entire potential of this system, experimenting with different builds and abilities in many areas of the game just goes largely unused.

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Self-imposed restrictions are a terrible argument. You’re telling me you can’t perform with one or two non-bis conduits? Really?

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Covenants aren’t “locked”. You can switch them far easier than you could even switch TALENTS in Vanilla. What you want is a vanishing powder for Covenants, which is absurd, and they should never cave to it.


It’s just not useful. Being on a lockout-oriented timegate offers no flexibility. If I raid tuesday wednesday thursday and enjoy playing x covenant the most in raid, but on weekends I want to do M+ or PVP but that covenant is horrible and unfun in those game modes, why shouldn’t I want to play y covenant in those modes?

Instead, I just wont play those game modes and that is bad for the game. This is the thought process of many, many people. It hurts no one to allow sucg swapping to increase participation AND experimentation


There will always be exceptional players. Among the top 100 PvP boomies in the world 98 of them are NF and two are Kyrian (one happens to be number 1).
I am not one of those 2% exceptional players.

Except it isn’t, because there are people that heavily test this and post those results online.

We know for the most part what each class/spec can do with each covenant, and it’s just a Google search away to find that information.

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Conduits change rotations. If it impacts gameplay, why wouldn’t you want the spec to be as smooth as possible?

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…so you’re saying I shouldnt want to experiment because I can read about them on a website?

Bro what

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First off, I disagree with your “overwhelming majority” premise. The 80-20 rule, which I’m pretty sure applies here, says “80% of the complaints come from 20% of the customers.” Those 20% are loud, but not necessarily right.

Now, as to why I want to punish and restrict everyone is that I like the idea that you made your choice, and you have to live with it for a couple of days, or a week or so. I like the idea of “meaningful choice”, and I like anything that slows down the min-max chasers.

And, frankly, the more complaints I hear, the less I’m interested in Blizzard changing it, just to spite you.

There. I’ve stated my reasons. You can like them or not, but by the logic you’ve used in other responses, telling me I’m wrong is going to be off-topic.


Why? What does someone else doing content you aren’t doing in groups that you aren’t in have to do with you?

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Well said, love it.


Well,I made my mind up when I first heard GD hated Kyrian .

I just said ok.

I disagree with you but I like you for being upfront about it. :heart:


Most abilities go unused because the meta dictates what race, talents, covenants, conduits, rotation and legendaries are supposed to be used by a certain class/spec.

It starts with the first couple guides on wowhead and icyveins and gets solidified whenever the race for mythic world first is over and people see “omg they didn’t take spec x into Nathria, spec x must be utter garbage” and “oh I have to go nightfae on class x because if someone in limit did that I probably have to as well even when I’ll never go for mythic world first”