For the four of you that still want covenants locked

Nothing to see here guys working as intended :^ ) ) )) ) ) ) ) )))

Blizzard will get it right guys!!! this time they swear!!!

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You literally, not 10 minutes ago, said people were going to min/max regardless.

We both know, if they tried tuning those classes mid race, people would lose their minds.

“mid race” 3 months after the race is over?

the race lasts 2 weeks max.

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Class balance is bad therefore delete Covenants. 10K IQ right now.

Do you have the memory of a goldfish?

It was brought up to mock your comment of:

They can’t balance classes and somehow you expect them to balance covenants which each have 3 soulbinds. Riiiggghhhtttt…

If only “some people” hadn’t shamelessly bumped the “door of shadows is bis, Venthyr #1” and the “we are all going kryian thread” and pelagos still had double potency and the vers buff…

Yup. Remember when Preach said everyone was going to go Venthyr and it was going to be the end of WoW as we knew it? That people would boot anyone who wasn’t a Venthyr? What happened to that?

I much prefer when he claimed every guild was going to bench bm hunters in nyalotha.

Remember when they released class/ traid balance updates every 3 days or so in bfa S1 and people complained. Pepperidge farm remembers.

why are you guys talking about Preach lmao

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Because when faced with:

The best thing is to do is to try and lead the conversation to a different direction because this seriously disrupts the status quo of arguments in these threads.

you ever notice they never talk about conduit energy either

better pivot to preach again

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Your buddy Timbae brought up Preach in the first place. 10K IQ.

do you remember that time in nyalotha preach said something about BM Hunter? haha what a fool LOL!

still dodged the conduit energy

Link me the covenant bis spreadsheet everyone swore by.

Isn’t this completely irrelevant?

Do i need to link the thd screenshot again? I mean come on brother.

I dodged the post you made 2 minutes ago while I was posting something unrelated to someone else? Ok.

Defend it how? Why is OoC rezzing gone? Dual-spec. Why can’t we swap gear in the middle of M+. Why does moving 1 foot out of a rested area prevent me from respeccing? Why do I have to spend 500G to be able to respec 1 foot outside of a rested area? Why can’t I double stamp a triple stamp?

The list of things like this is endless. Games have rules. Rules limit players. I don’t personally agree with conduit energy but I also understand that desire to restrict it to some degree.

How so? You are linking me a picture of a selection of specs that favor NF. I play 2 of them. I know the output difference between kyrian vs NF.

A similar picture existed at launch. It had everyone going Kyrian. Kyrian got nerfed into the dirt based on that feedback. NF went by and large untouched. Now you are linking this. If only they didn’t knee jerk nerfed kyrian in response to feedback exactly like this…

Because in this hell of an expansion everyone must suffer… enjoy

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