For the four of you that still want covenants locked

explain the desire in a non-stupid way

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To clarify, do you think I mean my desire, or theirs?

I have no desire. You mentioned “spice” earlier. My main usually ends up on the short end of the “spice” stick. I’d be ok with making every choice cosmetic only.

But I know plenty of others disagree. Plenty think that vanilla balance is fine. Or the hybrid tax was fine. Others think bring the player not the class was the answer.

Conduit energy is like respec costs. It is not a design feature. But it is a part of a larger design philosophy. I fully believe that the easier something is to change, the more expected we are to do so.

In Legion, I felt that I had to equip defensive trinkets or allocations on some specs in order to push M+. Now we can no longer change gear. Did they remove my fun? Try to balance better? Or did they attempt to curtail “degenerate playstyles.” Imo, half a dozen of one, 6 of the other.

Similar to how some players talk about the “community” of the older game. But don’t correlate the additions of flying or LFD/LFG/LFR in the erosion of that community. I don’t think those additions are inherently bad, but to ignore the pros and cons of their addition or any other, is short sighted.

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Yup. Pull the ripcord. It’s time

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As far as I’m concerned, conduit energy could be removed and it wouldn’t bother me at all. I literally forgot that was a thing and forgot people complained about that at all. Of the 3 characters I actively play, there are clear BIS conduits without much choice in terms of builds.

If there are specs that care about conduit respec’ing you’d have to let me know.


so in other words, experimenting doesn’t interest you at all yet you’re in here arguing how people that do want to experiment should feel about these restrictions

i’m gonna tell NASA how I feel about their space program even though I’ll never go to space brb

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Conduit energy =/= Covenants as a whole.

it’s identical philosophies. conduit energy and locking covenants both discourage and prevent experimentation and encourage locking you into the same thing

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They’re not the same at all. One is a fiddly numbers thing and the other is a big bag of stuff including class-like flavor. It’s like comparing talent points to classes and saying they’re the exact same thing.

They’re not similar at all besides being introduced this expansion.

I don’t like Night Fae but am still Night Fae on my Hunter.

And trust me; if you think I’m underperforming you should probably take a look at how good my Sludgefist parse was for its time. If I were Venthyr or Necrolord I wouldn’t have even done half of that.

Did you miss the word “philosophies”

They’re not similar at all so they shouldn’t have similar philosophies applied to them. If conduits are more like talents, then swapping them is fine because we can swap talents literally right now. But if Covenants are closer to classes and we can’t change classes… well that shoots your argument in the foot that they should be treated the same way. Covenants as a whole and conduit energy are not close to similar.

You can only swap conduits if you have the energy to do it, which means they are not like talents. They are restricted like covenants, because there are time-gated cooldowns to swapping around both.

My point is that functionally they are like talents… and so it wouldn’t be too far-fetched for them to be treated like modern talents are. But Covenants are not like talents. So even if I said I was fine with conduit energy going bye-bye, that doesn’t mean I agree that Covenants should as well.

I don’t want Covenants to go byebye

I want them be unlocked so we can use more than 25% of them

Balance in this game is a mythical unicorn players have been chasing for since November 23,2004.

There has never been any form of class balance , they rotate who they are going to make God level and who gets to spend time at the bottom of the out house and there are those that spend most of their time in the latter .

Separating the covenant class abilities so players would have the ability to use all of the covenant abilities for their class would of eliminated any pretense of the illusion that is balancing in this game . To be honest I think a 1 leg drunk on a high wire juggling running chain saws has a better concept of balance then Blizz does.

You mean the toxic min/max community that the game director of this game was originally a part of . There is a reason his guild is called Elitist Jerks . The name fits.

I tried the other covenants thing got 3 hunters through to 40 renown and the 4th I still haven’t got to 60 yet and to be honest I’m finding it hard to want to play .

I may do occasional transmog runs with one of them if that toons guild is doing them but other then that right now I’m just checking out the 9.1 campaign .

If I could have the opportunity to use all of the covenant hunter abilities ,I would probably spend more time in game . I would love to see what kind of builds I could do with the 4 abilities and the 3 soul binds my chosen covenants could do combined.

If I had a penny for every time he said that and we are working on improving communication , I could retire 10 to 15 years earlier.

Him saying we promise to do better with balancing is just telling people what they want to hear. Doesn’t mean he actually means it.

Remember before SL launched when Ion said they felt they went too far with pruning and focusing too much on specs and were going to focus more on classes as a whole.

That was a lie because if anything this whole system has been a back door way to spec lock people . Yes some covenants may be good for all specs of a class but that is mainly your pure dps but they still may be bad for different forms of content and let’s not forget not all covenants are good for players that multi roll .

So you’re telling me that there won’t be balance regardless of what happens with covenants? I guess people who want balance lose no matter what. Sounds like we may as well keep it as is then so at least the people who enjoy the RP aspect of them can still enjoy that. :smiley:

We can, and have, gotten close, the issue is if there is even just a small % difference, people will go for the one with the advantage. Reasonable balance is possible, what is impossible is telling the meta slaves to shut it and let people play as they want. This does provide comedy though as the FOTM meta slaves whine and complain when their top of the heap winds up at the bottom and they get told the same that they told everyone else.

I got to 40 on Night Fae and Kyrian both, on a single character because I had the time to do so, and I was bored. Frankly it’s not that bad. If Impending Craptastically was good I might consider the same with my Warlock, but it’s a really, really, bad ability. Probably will just switch at Expansion’s end to unlock mounts / titles / mogs etc.