2 Characters, both cursed to Night Fae
2 Characters, both cursed to Night Fae
Same people who don’t see an issue with conduit energy, they don’t do more than one form of content so they don’t run into the restrictions with the system so they don’t support canning it.
unlock covenants uwu!!!
Ion Hazzikostas promised they’d do a better job with balance than they had in the past. And to be honest, it is totally possible in some non-COVID timeline they actually meant to keep that promise. I understand that for some people, the state of balance validated their cynical beliefs, but nobody could have realistically predicted the whole impact of COVID. Just IMO.
I have. There’s really not that much overlap when you average it out across the whole. Necrolords overlap the most, but it makes sense in a way because they’re the military bros, they show up where there’s trouble. You’ve got Necrolord X Venthyr and you’ve got Necrolord X Kyrian. That’s really the extent of it. Necrolord X Venthyr is two missions, Necrolord X Kyrian is one. Counting them twice, six of the total 36 Chapters are shared content. That’s really not awful.
Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
He says this literally every interview.
Its never happened.
If the entire world was populated with people like you we’d still have new coke instead of them reverting back to their original recipe. Sonic would still be a monstrosity.
What exactly do you want us to discuss on these forums? Petition for more allied races or customization? At least our request is reasonable.
Remember when people like you told us to stop beating the drum about account bound essences?
I mean you might, if it’s a gnome baby…
Actually how delusional do people need to be to think that this time Blizzard will get balance correct.
Reminder left Holy paladin in its state for 4 tiers last expansion rofl
honestly if it means covenants become unlocked so i actually have stuff to do in game again the baby can get hucked
But I do participate in more than one form of content on all 3 of my characters. The only time I’ve been actively declined for covenant choice were groups actively looking for x covenant for y dungeon. A handful of times.
Compared to how often I get declined for being fury, bm or mw, it’s not even a conversation.
They won’t. They tried unique classes/ hybrid tax flavor. We complained. They tried homogenization/ bring the player, we complained.
As long as things are rock paper scissors, close is all we can hope for.
Blizzard can’t even get more than 3 healer classes to be relevant, yet they’re supposed to balance 4 covenants with 3 soulbind trees each for every class in the game
You said content, not high end content. BIG difference. Of course if I was doing mythic raids I’d be affliction and night fae. But since I’m not a min/maxer who has any desire to do the most difficult content in the game, I roll what I want. Hence why I’m a Necrolord Destruction Warlock. Gets me by just fine in normal and heroic raids. .
Even if covenants were taken out of the game you would still be picking your spec based on how it performed in mythics. Hence why you chose affliction over destruction and demonology.
…maybe if we add covenant specific legendaries, that’ll help.
In other news, maybe we can fix all our relationship problems by having a baby.
noooo Ion said they will do better this time! Make sure to tune into the new interview with Preach soon to listen to him talk about how they don’t think there is any problems with covenants.
Can’t wait.
Relevant at what? WF race? Probably not possible. HoF? Still no. CE? Yes.
Fury and BM started this tier in the basement. Both are very good now. They waited until after HoF to bring up the floor. As a non-fotm reroller, it is disappointing. They could have just nuked the top specs mid race, but that’s not a solution either.
Mistweaver/Holy Priest/Rdruid literally hasn’t been relevant in 6 tiers (not including the 2 weeks monks were broken in Nyalotha).
You’re really reaching with this one.
Personally I’m shocked the healers that have better dps, better HPS than pure throughput healers and have a raidwide DR keep getting picked. Blizzard will get covenants right though promise!!!
And yet my wife gets CE and pushes keys on holy and resto. We aren’t very good.
I’m shocked mages, locks, spriests, and hunters are once again the top dps classes during wf race. I will try making a new thread in GD asking for them all to be nuked into the basement.
I think it will go over well.
Is that why there’s 200k submitted mythic logs of Priest/Pal/Rsham and only 30k of Rdruid/MW?
There are problematic elements for sure, but I look at the landscape of the game and right now the bigggest complaint I see in the community is the content drought. The Covenant thing is quite secondary at this point. Not that the balance might not need some help, but this idea that the house is on fire is just not true from the look of it.
So yeah, seems conceivable to me that Ion would say that. To me, them doubling down on Covenants with Covenant legendaries suggests that they’re happy with the state of Covenants, and the only way they could have happy is if the player-base wasn’t trying to tear the foundations down… which they aren’t. This is not an Azerite situation.