For the four of you that still want covenants locked

race mean nothing now a days(in pve) and who said is not ok to use nonBiS cove and stuff ? I just want to be able to minmax my character if you guys dont just stick with one …

I don’t think people who want to swap are bad players. Neither do I think people who don’t want to swap are bad players.

It’s just a difference in mindset of how you view the game. Some people see this game as an online action game where they’re competing against their friends for top DPS and able to be able to play “S Tier” to have a more even level of competition. Others see this game as an RPG where you’re building your own character and seeing how well it does against the content, knowing that you will have strengths/weaknesses and limitations of your character.

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I’m fine with my convenant choice. I don’t need nor want to change it every time I change spec or type of content I play. I picked it around my main spec and content type.

It SHOULD have less effect when I switch my spec or content type.

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Something something “Covenants aren’t classes”, which doesn’t actually address the point but will 100% be what they try to use as a counter-argument, because the simple truth is this - there’s nothing “inherently” wrong with the idea of a choice that is semi-permanent in an RPG. It’s simply a design choice Blizzard is choosing to go with.


The Ripcord is a fantasy. There was never one to pull and there never will be one.

However, I personally don’t care if I am top DPS, Tank, or Heals. I don’t play an MMO to compete with other players, break time records, or even climb ladders. None of that is remotely important to me. I would only pick a covenant if I feel it is aesthetically pleasing to my characters.

If Blizzard suddenly made all the abilities equal or allowed you to switch abilities without switching covenants, it would have absolutely zero affect on my game play. This character is 16 years old. I have played her through the worst times for Feral/Guardian Druids. I have played her through the best times. These will come and go in the future as well. It isn’t worthwhile to chase some FOTM build. That will just lead to frustration and make the game less fun.

Though in reality, I couldn’t care less if they removed the “lock.” It wouldn’t affect me one way or another.

Nope Lore is just a CM . They are being locked because of “Watcher” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

What if all forms of content like Dungeons ,raiding and pvp are all a persons main focus ?

There is no set rule saying a person must solely focus on one type of content.

Meaningful choice.

You need to decide, and make a choice, on which is your main priority.

It’s like picking a girlfriend instead of having a harem.

Meaningful choice like in your analogy of picking a girlfriend over a harem is understandable in real life where meaningful choices are actually that "meaningful "

There is nothing meaningful about a choice that most likely in a year and a half from now when the next expansion comes out and will be remove from the game.

It will be just as meaningful now as artifact weapons are now , because of the leveling changes that now allow people to skip Legion if they choose. The only people that will be affected by SL and "meaningful choice " after this is all over will be any new players when this replaces BfA as the new “New players must do content”.

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I keep telling myself they aren’t pulling it because they will pull it on the last few months of the expansion. It’s like their last “hoorah” of insane fun we get before the next expansion.

All you’re proving with this is that Necrolord is an absolute joke of a Covenant for Druids compared to Night Fae and that any Druid attempting to do serious content with it shouldn’t be taken seriously.

The difference between the best Necrolord Druid on Shriekwing and the best Night Fae Druid on Shriekwing is like 2.7k DPS. That’s like a 33% difference which is absurd.

The best Night Fae Boomkin is doing nearly twice the amount of DPS the best Necrolord Boomkin is on Mythic SLG.

There is literally one Necrolord Boomkin that wasn’t a literal carry on Mythic Sire and still did 2k less than any of the highest-performing NF Druids.

The highest-ranked Necrolord Druid is 2.8k. That’s worse than 78 other Kyrian or Night Fae Druids (although basically all of the ones above him are either Night Fae or Chinese which means we can’t see what they are).

Like, yes. In theory, you can clear the hardest content with a Covenant that isn’t Night Fae. But if you’re doing so you are actively hindering your raid because your other 19 players will have to make up the difference you could’ve made by not making a crappy Covenant choice.



This is some kinda post.

It’s just a stupid argument. You can dislike some restrictions without disliking all of them.

Asking for less spice on your food doesn’t mean you don’t want any at all.

Don’t use dishonest arguments. You look like a :clown_face:

I went Kyrian solely for the ability to shoot convoking druids through walls.

For the OP yeah I’d swap covenants around depending on the content I want to do.

Conduit energy also sucks. It’s the most cell phone game type of system they’ve added.

Multiple reasons.

Classes are what we agree to before we even log in to the game. Covenants are a temporary borrowed power applied later. We have 2 years total to enjoy the system until its gone. Our class is here to stay.

Secondly, it is perfectly okay to feel differently about different restrictions. It isn’t one size fits all.

If it were, then you LIKING restrictions could have me asking you why you aren’t also campaigning for permanent talent selections, for covenants to lock you to that specific zones content and dungeons, etcetc.

It isn’t just a yes or no answer. There is nuance. Like I mentioned to the druid, you can ask for less spice on your food without it being assumed you don’t want any. Just like you can ask for more without having the whole pepper mill dumped on your plate. And depending on the dish, you may want more or less spice.

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I’ve swapped covenants a whole bunch of times on my characters

They are just an annoyance if anything, there is no game play value

Want to know what the difference is?
A tmog set you may or may not use
Like a handful of bland quests
And then the stuff that actually effects game play which is the player power

I have no idea why they thought this system was a good idea as someone who has played through multiple covenants that feel exactly the same but have a different quest hub

The spice analogy is so dumb.

You want to gut a whole sub-class system because you don’t like having to make a choice. That’s not asking for less spice, that’s knocking all of the food off the table for people happily or contentedly eating their food because you’d personally rather have a buffet.

Buffet are the superior choice in all situations

Prove me wrong

Opening up the sub class system to allow more swapping is not gutting it. You are again being dishonest because your argument is bad.

How is letting people use MORE of the system gutting it? Restricting people from swapping pushes them into picking one build and sticking with it - THAT guts the system because it discourages all the creativity that could come with it.

Hell, since you like restrictions I don’t think you should be able to do any of the dungeons from outside your covenant zone. Your transmog should also be limited to that offered by your covenant hall. Ha ha meaningful right?!

That’s how stupid you sound acting like disliking covenant restrictions means we have to dislike classes as well.

The food aint the only thing that just got cooked :meat_on_bone:

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You can keep saying how I look like a clown or got roasted all you want, but who is really the fool when you’ve literally already lost?
