Follower Dungeon Exploiting

Seriously you are lying. Stop it. It makes you look sad.

“you already used shadowmeld” Prove it dude. I used shadowmeld but you just can’t admit it. So stop lying.

Video proves it. I already did prove it. :b

Sorry that you can’t use your eyes. You used it whenever my character de-targets you and your character goes invisible for a second.

Anyway man I just want to end this conversation with, I don’t really care and I don’t want to argue with you. And that’s genuine, I really don’t want to argue with a troll anymore and if you have some beef with me youre always free to 1v1 me in a wargame if you want.

I’ve had fun with this little back and forth, seriously I have, and I’m sure you’re a cool person underneath your troll exterior, so if you ever wanna wargame I’m down. My btag is WilloWisp#1275.

I’m kinda just tired of the forum drama and this whole thing! :slight_smile:

If you are tied of it, then stop lying. Just admit that you got outplayed NOT from a follower dungeon. That is all. You are just lying.

I am here advocating for the dungeon stuff to be removed but you keep accusing me otherwise. I have no idea why. So stop dude… Just stop…

We both want the same thing and yet you keep accusing me even when that video proves otherwise.

No one’s lying man. It really doesn’t matter, people can see for themselves that with the video and screenshot, you took a follower dungeon. That’s an Azure Vault bro.

If you wanna say you didn’t follower dungeon I don’t really care, but you’re the one who’s always coming into these threads bashing me for something. I didn’t even mention you, you came into this being like, “yOu ExPlOiT” and what not.

Anyway, offer still stands!


I told you where I was going with this last post.

You can escape the zerg.
You do escape the zerg.
Other people should be able to escape the zerg.

They can! If they play a rogue :3

Classes come with perks. Mages can teleport to any major city they want, paladins can turn invincible, hunters and warlocks get pets, and rogues get to turn invisible. This isn’t a new thing.

If you think that world PvP is so incredibly unfair that everyone needs to be able to snap their fingers and leave combat whenever they feel justified, you would have never survived on the PvP servers of old. When every minor “toxic” inconvenience justifies teleporting to a dungeon, war mode serves no purpose. If you want to do it in a way that isn’t an exploit… roll a rogue. Vanish has been in the game since it launched.

I mained a warrior on a PvP server for ten years. I got ambushed, ganked, and attacked by groups more times than I can remember, but I enjoyed the thrill of open world PvP too much to care. Goobers who can’t handle the occasional ganking should not be playing war mode, full stop.

Def leveling dreadmoore.

You’ll have a great time in the RP battlegroup lol the Alliance gets free honor/conquest from (essentially) uncontested supply drops.

I should realistically go back to my Alliance characters because gearing up is so easy for them, but I like being Horde too much.

I honestly thought you were just hacking before finding this post Eluna. Even sent the video to

Didn’t think it was something as simple as joining a follower dungeon.

Do I think you deserve a ban now? No. It’s on blizzard for making something so easy to exploit.

Are you a liar? Yes.


Yes I fully believe anyone who follower dungeons should be banned. No idea who you are, but I am not a liar. I do not use the dungeons.

Even when they’re caught on video, and when there’s screenshot proof of them being in a follower dungeon through the character friends list and it shows their zone is in a dungeon, they will vehemently deny that they are follower dungeoning.

They’re a troll man, glad you see it too lol.


Video shows the potion of deepholm. So you are lying.

Screenshot is stitched together – one with me in a friends list at time A when I’m PvEing in a dungeon and another screenshot at another point in time where it shows a combat log. Obviously you caught me PvEing at one moment in time, captured that in a screenshot, and then used combat logs in another time (days later?) and then stitched those two screenshots together. I can easily do the same with you too. It’s easy to stitch two pics together.

So nice try. You sir are the troll here. You are using two snapshots in time to make it seem like one moment in time… Trolling hard here…

Get timestamp proof if you want to actually be taken seriously. Otherwise stop trolling and lying.

I think I know why you are trolling though. You just can’t accept the fact that I completely and utterly destroyed you so many times in WPvP. I killed you so many times that it made you mad. So you resort to these types of antics. It’s sad.

As we’ve been over already, the video does not show a potion of Deepholm.

When someone uses a Potion of Deepholm, a blue graphics effect is played around the character, as if taking a mage portal. That effect is not shown on your druid. You can’t use them in combat, and in the second clip, you were gliding and we had you in combat. You can’t Shadow Meld while moving or gliding, and you can’t Potion of Deepholm in combat.

You’re a terrible liar :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh please I wish this were the case. I love it when someone else can actually kill me in WPvP. Those who can end up becoming my friends and we PvP together.

Like I said, you can add me on btag, we can wargame, or we can chill! I like the trolling attempts, makes me hope you’re a cool person outside of it! Whaddya say?

Love how he shows videos and has himself in a 4-5man party lol! Trooly’s is the hunter everyone ignores or is just sick of at this point. You peaked in dragonflight, just log off the forum and let the kids who actually play rated post useful information. If we need a coward’s way of taking on people in the world, we’ll probably email you.

As we’ve been over already, the video DOES SHOW a potion of deepholm. Nice try on the attempts to explain it away from that. Not working dude.

I love it when someone else can actually kill me in WPvP.

Well good for you you got your wish many times over. And over. And over. And over.

First clip is with an Alliance rogue, so that’s just a 2 man party with someone I can’t even help. Second clip is a 4 man party, again with 2 of the people as Horde and another Alliance. Third clip is a 3 man party with one Alliance and one Horde. :dracthyr_shrug:

No need! You two are already cowards, the fact you need to follower dungeon proves that! X)

Facts are fact man, sorry.

Not yet. Still waiting on it. Love ya guys

Yap yap, you realize you have no real friends in wow right? You’re all 1 trick Andys who just abuse items, follower dungeons (aka delves for you), rep/faction items, toys, etc.

You are so boring to talk to, you just spew nonsense on the forums.

I wish you played rated so I could just see you visually struggling to kill anyone. You keep clinging onto this “1900” when bro 3 years ago? Lmao, move on and play a bracket that matters.

You’re the type of guy that would loiter around his local high school talking to trees years after graduating.

Whatever helps you sleep at night man. Its WPvP, get over it. I don’t know why you’re so hateful. I got tons of friends though! My guildies are pretty awesome people. If you need friends or someone to talk to, I’m all ears. Add me on btag man! WilloWisp#1275. Maybe we can do arenas or something together and get to know each other. Seriously, its not healthy hating someone over a game this much.

I do play rated. I’ve said this many times before, but I’ve been higher rating than you.

Duelist 2100 in Dragonflight S1. I just hit 1800 though in BG Blitz today though! Not that it’s anything to brag about but you seem so obsessed with rating that it might matter to you.

Your ratings are all a joke, stop posting please. You are a clown, and no one respects or takes you seriously on these forums. I always get whispers “thank you finally silencing that wpvp huntard”

I’m sorry man, but you asked for it.

Lol my sides. You posting like 2100 means anything in dragon flight, ratings were inflated, 2100 then is realistically 1600~ once mmr settles out and seperates the cheesy WPVPERS from the true sultans of PVP. You have no skill. I don’t know why you feel the need to post, but I guess everyone needs to feel heard. Keep on rambling lmao.