Follower Dungeon Exploiting

This needs some sort of fix, it’s getting out of control. I was at a wpvp event and 3 of the 4 horde I was fighting were abusing it often back to back. At the very least it needs a debuff that prevents someone from being able to requeue instantly…


Hey, thanks for giving me a strategy I had never thought about! (For real though, you just told all the kids reading this that they can abuse it. good job.)


Its not a secret, its an actual problem.
The more people are upset and reporting it the better chance something will be done


Nothing was done to people in WoD or later who took skirmish queues to avoid wpvp and nothing will be done about this.

Who cares?? So you didn’t get that one kill that you and 5 other alliance were 6v1-ing, why does it matter? It’s just wpvp, get over it.


Minor issue not worth worrying about.


I think the gankers and baddies that form groups for WPvP are upset that people can now avoid their cowardly attacks. Those are the only ones that care. It’s actually very good counter play to their lame tactics to take a follower dungeon.

They just don’t like getting a dose of their own medicine.


It’s incredibly annoying when some goofball pops all their CDs, runs out of defenses, and instantly disappears. I know this isn’t going to get fixed, but golly is it frustrating in the moment.

This exploit is disrupting the flow of world PvP, and it’s only going to get worse as more people have it done to them and use it as justification to do it themselves.

I’m growing increasingly concerned at the number of people who seem to think world PvP was ever about fair balanced 1v1 combat lol

Never was, never will be!

WPvP or PvP in general was never balanced around 1v1. Which is why I believe it should take 2-3 dps to kill a healer and 3-5 Dps to kill a tank.

I’m just saying I never do WPvP in a group (because it’s lame), a lot of people don’t and are looking for organic WPvP. So if a group lands on your head because they are lame, taking a follower dungeon to counter them is perfectly fine.

That’s all I’m saying. The players complaning about follower dungeon Que are gankers who are having their lame tactics countered.



I’ve literally been camped for an hour by twenty people for killing a guild master’s alt while leveling. I know how lame it can be. It’s the threat of world PvP. When I get attacked by a full group at a PvP objective and I have no cooldowns I just die, but then I don’t let world PvP salt me up, so maybe that is unacceptable for the newer crowd.

Actually the only people I see doing it are 80s with 5-6 mil HP who are too proud to let someone kill them. The 77s and 78s actually try lol

Blizz dev’s can’t even wipe their own cheeks at their job correctly and still get paid. If you think they’re competent enough to fix anything wpvp or even pvp related you’re mistaken

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World PvP will always be a gimmick, they likely wont change this until next expansion if at all

You can say bruh but that is perfect balance. If 1 Dps can kill a healer or Tank that isn’t balanced. It should take 2-3 Dps to kill a Healer and 3-5 Dps to kill a Tank. That fills the Class fantasy and their roles.

I wouldn’t let that happen to me. If that is happening to anyone that is bad design. The threat of WPvP isn’t getting ganked. Sorry have to disagree. There are ways around that. You should use them.

If you want WPvP to flourish and for players to turn Warmode on you want to reduce ganking and those lame tactics like groups being toxic. The goal should be healthy WPvP.

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Didn’t have a choice! This was back in MoP, where a PvP server was PvP all the time. I cited the experience because I’ve been on the receiving end of actual toxic behavior in WoW before, and being jumped by three people in war mode can’t even compare.

The GM we contacted about the incident told us that PvP could only be solved by PvP, aka there was nothing they could do about what happened to us. At least now you can turn off war mode and avoid groups who are bullying you.

World PvP isn’t supposed to be fair, never has been, never will be. You’re going to get jumped at the worst moment by a rogue, or get attacked by a group communicating in discord, or whatever else. It’s just the way it is. Exploiting instant dungeon queues to avoid dying because “the fight wasn’t fair” is silly, and I will continue to laugh at everyone who’s too salty to die in an opt-in PvP mode lol

First off it’s not an exploit. Second it’s just another tool to avoid lame gankers who are bad at PvP. It’s no different than a toy, bubble hearth or any other method at your disposal to get out of that situation.

I have no issue with someone taking a Que. It’s just another part of the game. Again the only people complaining about this are the toxic ganker who have group hunting parties.

WPvP flourishes when there are more reasons to turn Warmode on then turn it off. If we let these WPvP toxic players make adjustments to Warmode no one would use it.

If you fixed Hearthing and getting out of combat or made taking Ques impossible people just wouldn’t turn Warmode on. Then you can enjoy the empty world with no PvP.

But this is something that you guys “Alliance” started (as always your faction is the one exploiting stuff)

The only way this can be fixed is that you are not allowed to enter a dungeon while you are in combat. You can queue as healer to any PVP instance and get instant popup anyways.

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Tbh you’re making me want to level dreadmoore just to gank you and grab a dungeon pop when you try to zerg me.


It is.

Using a glider to escape a bad fight or using bubble hearth to nope out of an ambush are both intended uses. Dipping out of world PvP by quick warping to a dungeon in combat is not intended and should be fixed.

If you’re only in war mode because you know you can abuse dungeon teleports to escape fights you aren’t winning, then you won’t be missed. Maybe if they patch it so it can’t be done in combat it’ll even out the RP server battlegroup lmao

Strange behavior lol