Follower Dungeon Exploiting

Maybe they should fix racials then lol

You clearly don’t know what an exploit is.

Actually it is intended. At one point in time you couldn’t do that. People complained that while in combat in open world with other players or mobs you would miss Ques. So Blizz fixed it so you could take Ques while in combat with other players or creatures.

This is working 100% as intended and no one should miss Ques because of another player or creature. So stop callling something you don’t like an exploit. It clearly isn’t.

It won’t even out anything. Warmode isn’t popular to begin with and making it so players just get ganked even more and can’t play the game will just cause more people to turn it off.

You have no idea what is healthy for WPvP. If players like you had your way Warmode would be dead in a week.

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I honestly don’t care if a bunch of goobers who are too salty to take a death in an opt-in PvP mode quit. It’s not like they were doing anything except being annoying anyway! Half of the players I’ve encountered who use it attacked me first, then used it to run away when they started losing.

You can justify your use of it however you want, doesn’t bother me, but I would rather have a less populated war mode with people who actually want to fight than a war mode where half the people I sap immediately fade from existence.


100% agree with this. Remove the bonus just let me fight people so its fun

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It’s about the opposite for me. If I go hunting specific individuals who I have beef with in WPvP, they will use follower dungeon just to avoid dying by me so that they can be like “yOu TeChNiCaLlY dIdNt KiLl Me”

I’ve also seen it be used by a druid who was way too stubborn to let Horde get the crate even though Horde clearly killed all the Alliance nearby. Dude must have had the fastest computer out there or something, because he took a follower dungeon on top of crate before death (spamming AoE prior), NPCs would do a quick full heal on him, he’d teleport out, AoE again. He did this on repeat, interrupting crate cap, giving other Alliance time to res. Thankfully, the Horde there had the Alliance on farm and we got it eventually when a DK gripped the Druid away from crate and CC’d him, but man that was annoying.


Or, you know… You just get outplayed without queues/exploits and can’t admit it. But whatever. Whenever someone beats you, it MUST be follower dungeons according to you. You’re just lying to yourself at this point.

To the point of this post, I am of the opinion that anyone who uses the follower dungeon (in the past, present, or future) should get banned.

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There are definitely instances of people beating me fairly. Those people are respectable and don’t feel the need to try and troll on forums and make up things.

I usually make friends with those who beat me because who wouldn’t want to have good players around as your allies or friends?

What are you on about? If someone beats me, they aren’t using follower dungeons, and using follower dungeons isn’t beating?

Right… Like yourself? Do I really need to post the footage of you follower dungeoning constantly over and over again in Ohn’ahran Plains spamming a /yell saying, “YOU DIDNT GET ME HAHAHA!!”

To everyone reading this: Eluna is a troll and follower dungeons out lol. If anyone wants the proof, hit me up! I’ll post it here.

I do not follower dungeon at all. It’s for scum. No idea why you accuse me. I am trying to advocate for it to be removed from the game and for any players who use it to be banned. And you are here spreading lies… For reasons I cannot understand…

Screenshot or it didn’t happen. I am not a troll. No idea why Troolys has to resort to this lying on the forums… It’s really sad…

Banning is pretty intense but I’d be down for it if there was a warning first. I think the easiest way to fix it is to make it so that you can’t queue up for follower dungeons in war mode.

It would still be possible for tanks and healers to throw themselves in a dungeon queue hoping for a quick escape, but at least all these pure DPS classes wouldn’t be able to instantly nope out of every fight they start to lose.

Wangtao, what class do you main?
Is it capable of vanish/invisibility/etc?

It’d still put it on cooldown atleast. It’s about 10-15 minutes, and if they leave they get deserter so…

I have the video link. I’ll give you this one chance to back out of this before you’re humiliated lol

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I main Rogue, so yes I can use vanish. Allegedly.

So you have nothing to lose should you be ganked by ten alliance.
Other people have to eat it and die.
You can escape.
You do escape.

Correct. I play a class that can, every few minutes and within reason, escape from combat. I don’t know about getting away from ten people, as that would require absurd luck and most of my defensive cooldowns, but just for the sake of argument… sure.

I’ve got a pretty good idea of where you’re going with this lmao let’s see whatcha got!

Do it. You won’t.

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Eluna and Rias both follower dungeoning whenever they’re about to die.

“I don’t follower dungeon” lol right

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Dude are you really that blind? All this video proves is that you are getting outplayed and complain on the forums when you are completely wrong. You sir are a complete and utter liar.

You know what that is? It’s called Potion of Deepholm. Look it up. Insta port. So stop accusing me of follower dungeons when I am trying to advocate for it to be removed from the game and stop lying.

Potion of Deepholm has a blue port effect on the character when you use it. Sort of like a mage teleporting.

It can’t be used in combat, and in many of those clips you already used Shadow Meld and were in combat. Like when you ported in the air? Yeah, still in combat, can’t use the potion in combat.


That’s Azure Vaults. Not Deepholm.


Also lesser known fact here, not sure when they added it, but Deepholm Potion now has a mini cooldown after PvP combat. You can’t use it for a few seconds after PvP combat has ended. Not sure if a bug or a legitimate change but yeah it’s there. (That was in 10.2.5, could’ve been fixed by then)

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Bro its NELF Shadowmeld + potion. Nice try. You are trying so hard to justify it but you are completely wrong. You got outplayed. Nice try. Stop lying.

Also you just stitched two images together. One when I was dungeoning/PvE’ing at one point (are we friends? you have me on your friends list? are you obsessed with me?) and another of your combat logs at a different time… Combat logs don’t show location.

How can I die AND be in a follower dungeon? Nice try on that screenshot. Accusing me of trolling when you in fact are the troll.

Can’t Shadow Meld in the air nice try lol.

And like I said, you already used Shadow Meld in many of those clips. Potion of Deepholm has a blue mage port effect on your character when you use it too x)

Nice trolls attempts.