Here’s a conundrum.
The concept of a Focus didn’t exist in Vanilla. We all used a scripting that set a variable to a Unit name, then used TargetNamedUnit() methods and the like, to target that unit for spells.
In 2.0 they introduced the concept of a Focus to get around this need.
In 2.0 they killed the scripting that allowed us to do it the “Vanilla way”.
In the Alpha Build’s FrameXML\Bindings.xml, the “Focus Target” and “Target Focus” keybindings have been removed.
We are using …
I’d be ok with it if we could use Vanilla methods but the modern API prevents it. That’s why they added the Focus frame.
They removed a lot of the access to it. Most significantly the MicroBar button.
I can’t post in the Beta test, but can someone tell him that Focus was removed because it wasn’t in Vanilla, but the methods used in Vanilla were removed because we’re getting the modern API.
Basically Blizzard screwed us.
It’s funny how people completely ignore the issue until you phrase it in a way that pushes buttons. It was mostly a test, and its clear it worked. There have been 3 times as many posts on that since this one was created , because people are just arguing back and forth.
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