Flying will be restricted in patch 11.0.7's new content zone

I don’t disagree. But are they, or are they not “no fly zones”? The answer is… they are.

Stop with that nonsense.

The reason they disabled flying in Silvermoon/Exodar and environs is also because all the buildings are just facades, just like how Vanilla areas were Pre-cataclysm. The parts you’d never normally see didn’t have textures or collision, they only modeled the parts of structures you’d actually see, and if you took to the air, you’d see a bunch of buildings that only have front-facing geometry.

Obviously they did this to save time and development costs, and just walled it off from the rest of Outland.

The difference is important. When content is designed with the lack of flying in mind, creative and potentially engaging systems can arise. Things like the grappling hooks, gliders, etc. When content isn’t designed with that in mind (such as the TBC main world zones), you don’t get any of those benefits.

Good lord have mercy seriously?

What we gonna need pathfinder just to dragon ride out there? Why?


Wanna know what else happens when they design areas with no fly in mind?

We get hellholes like Argus, WoD!Nagrand, Revendreth, etc.

Terrain specifically designed to waste as much of the player’s time as possible, lots and lots of cliff faces, lots of unavoidable aggressive mobs along roads, making you travel 500 feet to clear a 10 foot gap because of a cliff or other knee-high fence you can’t jump over, yadda yadda.


Korthia… I hate that place.

The maw as well.


Korthia was tame compared to some parts of Argus, esp. that stupid area with all the lava rivers.


Least Argus looked cool. Korthia was just drabby.

Oh and the maw had every npc that did a chain, shackle, slow, you name it.


Or my personal favorite… constant daze-dismounts from “Trash” mobs (the ones with partial nameplates that don’t drop anything) everywhere. Such as in Goregrind.

I don’t recall seeing an Anti-Dismount Mount Equipment in TWW, so have fun with the Daze-Dismounts.

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That too. Even if they could move it to the right plane of existence, they’d have to completely redesign it. Otherwise it’d be like pulling back the curtain in Oz. :confused:

Totally agree with everything you said in this post. I’m willing to give it a shot, mostly because it’s supposed to be small and because I’ve lowered my expectations.

Don’t remind me. I quit when Argus came out. Like I said, intentional no-fly zones CAN have creative solutions. Doesn’t mean Blizzard found them. xD

No flying is no flying. Period. I am a PRO flight supporter. I basically quit in WoD when they threatened to remove flight from all future expacs. I have spent thousands of hours farming hundreds of flying mounts. I love flying. I live for flying. The new zone is just like the maw, timeless isle, and any other zone you cannot fly in. I will be combing through my ground mounts and enjoying them for a change even though flight is my preference.

If people cannot stand not flying… they should just quit. It is such a fractional logistical issue of the bugs in this game. If I can do it, anyone can. If they can’t then they are labeled entitled… period. :rofl:

There is STILL one tiny little island off the eastern coast of Kalimdor on the way to Azshara that will shoot you down if you fly too low.

I wouldn’t go that far.

Remember when there was NO mounts in the Maw at all? Like who TF thought that was a good idea? I meant, what was that, Vanilla Pre-40 all over again?

I meant for flying. No flying in the maw, now flying on that isle. Maybe the new zone is just Timeless Isle 2.0. :rofl: They recycle every other place in this game.

If the new place was modelled after Timeless Isle, then I won’t mind so much.

Most of the area I’d care about is all on a mostly flat plane, while all the tryhards get their special clubhouse up on the hill.

That’s fine with me.

I’d rather not have something like, say, Korthia where you get some roads that are ok, but each questing area is so very densely packed with (at the time) overpowered enemies, a lot of them had ridiculous attacks, like stacking DoTs or buffing themselves to just destroy you if you couldn’t kill them fast enough and tons of elites.

ScrollCodex Hunter

Find treasures from 50 Sealed Scroll mapsCodex caches in the post-storm Forbidden ReachSiren’s Isle.


Apparently the place is abandoned. And looks like one of the Island Adventures in BfA. I imagine between Plunderstorm, and like a new Delve or two, it will get old quick.

Tank spec.

Or have a shield of some sort up (I think the new ring might have that as an option).

Also the old mount equipment works doesn’t it?

So… are we ever gonna learn this lesson blizz?