I’d stop playing for good without flying.
I’m not sure the game can survive having this insane fight again, when the last time came close to killing the game because so many flying fans quit in such a short time that Blizzard had to reverse course in just 19 days. Many of those players never returned.
It’s especially insulting with Blizzard employees posing as simple players, and astroturfing the forums by attempting to gaslight everyone into drinking the Anti-Flying Koolade™.
- Don’t fly if you prefer not to.
- Play the way YOU find fun.
- Stop trying to control others by wanting us all to play the way you do. We. Aren’t. You.
No, we don’t. You must be new here, or a Blizzard employee assigned to astroturf the forums.
Blizzard’s attempt to permanently remove flying (along with any nonsensical “discussion”) began with the announcement of WoD and summarily nearly killed the game Memorial Day weekend after its release (2015) when so many players quit Blizzard was forced to reverse course 19 days later.
If Ion & the team think anything would be different now, with Microsoft technically in charge, they’re delusional. Especially on the heels of the worst expansion ever.
fun for who? for wpvp’ers?
i read nothing you said read your title tho and i think and know you are dead wrong
a quick look at my achievements can tell you i didnt play Pandalands or WoD.
I only returned after they killed 10man raiding.
I agree.
World PVP sucks the big one once flying mounts are available. Ganking goes way up and your ability to retaliate almost vanishes.
So yeah, you’re new when it comes to this.
i havent been called “new” in many years… It’s nice. I’ll let it slide. for old times’ sake.
Actually, there is a very significant % of people that unsub until flight is unlocked, and ActiBlizz has already admitted this in one interview as I understand, although I can not confirm it as I didn’t see it.
That being said, we should have at least one other option to attain flight, and it should always be available at max level. Except on PvP servers, it shouldn’t be available on PvP servers at all. In fact, why doesn’t ActiBlizz have some servers that have no flight at all on them? Oh, that’s right, they don’t want to waste the resources for the miniscule amount of people that ACTUALLY don’t want flight.
The only reason we can’t fly when we reach max level is because the devs are using it as 1) a carrot on a stick to keep people playing because they know they can’t do it any other way and 2) the devs are still butthurt about not getting to remove flight completely back in WoD when they tried to and lost nearly half of the subs and were still losing people when they were forced to backtrack and add it to WoD. I have a 4 year old granddaughter that is more mature than that.
The majority of players want flight, and as soon as possible, that’s been proven so many times any argument to the contrary is just stupidity in action.
Why am I constantly having to explain that, maybe I should make a sticky post or something like that. It would say, “Why WoW still has flight . . .” Yeah, you can fill in the rest with something suitably unpleasant, abrasive and rude, just use your imagination. Trust me, it won’t near to what I would actually say.
Semper Fi!
- People take the path of least resistance. Almost always.
- Pretending flight doesn’t exist when it does doesn’t negate the perceived negative impact it has on the game, because everyone is still flying around you. Most arguments against flight aren’t simply “I like it better from the ground”.
I never really cared about flying, except when it appeared with TBC in 2007, it was new and the enthusiasm was really there.
The only flying pathfinder I did was in WoD and once achieved I barely played until Legion.
The problem isn’t flight itself, of course it’s lazy and it depreciate most of the content on the ground, but the pathfinder achievement is entertaining for many, otherwise it simply wouldn’t be implanted.
The problem is that nothing bad or good can happen up in the sky, there’s no rain or storm to force the player to land and use the ground mount, there’s no encounter to avoid, nothing… it’s just a dull, dumb and boring flight in which nothing happens.
It’s just my 10 cents, I’m not against it or for it, I find the implantation quite empty that’s it.
WoD tanked in subs because they tried to permanently kill flying in all future content.
Here’s a summary:
Lol this reminds me of what Ghostcrawler said when asked about flying:
People were fine with the story. Stop saying Garrasions are player housing. Even when it was announced nobody really considered it housing besides the developers. The subs dropped below five million before any of the obvious problem became to obvious. It all had to do with flying.
You can leave thanks. Flying is absolutely needed if they’re going to design the game to be bad and not fun.
I personally know players who quit when it was initially announced that WoD would not have flying.
Anecdotal evidence, yes, but we must remember that Blizzard stopped publishing sub numbers during WoD.
Many things started going terribly wrong with the game once Ion was allowed to release his “raidlogger’s dream” expansion.
Dragonriding is not flying. It is just a way for devs to control where you go and make you waste time grinding for customizations and upgrades.
Level 24 DK
Yup, bait
100% True and Real. Blizzard can not design good zones with the flying we currently have in the game. They can not design good exploration either. Being able to zip and zop, then boobity bop anywhere on the map has completely killed any interesting content Blizzard could potentially design because Flying is way too overpowered. Blizzard were smoking big rocks when they decided to put it in the game.
You not having the personal control to not fly is a YOU problem, not a game defect.
Fun for the 12 million people subscribed at the time. Are there currently other issues with retail WoW? Yes. But I bet this is one of the major reasons people left after MoP.