I actually find myself agreeing with Ion as time passes when it comes to the issue of flight.
I had an amazing time leveling and exploring the islands of Kul’tiras and Zandalar. If I was able to fly when these zones were first released, the feeling of danger, mystique and adventure wouldn’t be as profound.
Also: world PvP fights were way more fun. On WrA, they were like mini raids of both sides fighting it out. If flying was a thing, people could just mount up and fly away and it would seriously kill the experience.
The Dragon Isles are a brand new massive island that nobody has seen before. I’m fine with flying eventually once everyone has leveled through the zones and unlocked their dragonriding abilities, but I think everyone should be grounded until then. It’s kinda ironic how flying takes away from the immersiveness of the world, but it does. If it was up to me, it would be completely removed.
I’ve always felt it should be off in warmode. It’s WARMODE after all, so get on the ground and fight. It’s not “escape to the air”, “snipe folks from the air” or “sit out danger on my flying mount” mode.
look, ZM was fine with no flying at the start but. Time is Time and its really better once you unlock it so you can do everything you need to do on more than 1 character.
but again, at the start it was fun figuring out ways to scale the zone and get into places that you prob shouldn’t be able to get to without flying. (like using the frog to get high in the air then gliding over to the Protoform Synthesis plans needed to craft the birb mount we have dragon ridding pre Alpha. its a frog. ;D)
the jumping world puzzles were also fun. annoying but fun. i dont like to do plat form hopping games (prob because im bad at it) but i feel like i got to a point where i was able to do it again on an alt in one attempt because of all the practice i did on main.
but i am also a Druid. and being able to be a birb and fly around doing birb things in the new zones is also fun in of its self.
I would like to believe you, but we zerg past everything even on ground and avoid as much as we can so no.
World pvp has never been big, even adding warmode proved that 10 fold with how dead it is. The only time world pvp ever had any sense of this is pretty cool were the revenge killing of lowbie alts by mains in Tarren mill/SS
Flying is the best thing to happen to this game, considering how terrible zones are being made to today.
Also the last time Blizzard tried to kill flying was during WOD, and we all know how that expansion turned out.
No one plays this game for the adventure or this fake notion of “mystique” you go where you go, and try to finish things as quickly as you can.
Flying was never “needed”. World of Warcraft isn’t “needed” either. Flying is wanted. It takes the edge off of the more obnoxious parts of the end game grind by allowing players to pick and choose which aspects of the open world content they actually want to interact with. This isn’t a difficult concept to understand.
“Birb”. Cute concept. Did not know it (before some knowitall says I am an idiot, I am not a native English speaker).
So, birb is like bird but cuter, innit?