Amen to that!
You have an opinion! Goody for you!
I wish.
I wouldn’t mind no flying if they did away with the jumping to and climbing trees for treasures. Wows characters don’t handle well enough for this to be a platformer.
I respectfully disagree, however if we can make flying more intuitive and by extension make mounts as a whole more intuitive when I’m all for that, I’d love nothing more than my mounds to feel like physical entities rather than just something I just wiggle my fingers in poof existence.
Tap LMB is light attack, for setting off weapon procs in between slotted attacks
Hold LMB is heavy attack, a resource restore
Tap RMB is cancel current action
Hold RMB is block
Hold RMB and tap LMB is shove, interrupt
Would recommend trying again knowing the controls. This layer of utility skills works in concert with your slotted skills, which will largely be buffs supporting a small number of attack skills and some movement skills. The progression in ESO is learning these buttons more-so than gear. If you use them well you can kill things in crappy green gear, if you use them bad even the best exotics wont help you.
Your problem with flying is easily solved. DON’T FLY!! See how easy that was?
Thanks, but at my age I can’t learn a wholly new way of playing a MMORPG for a game where I don’t even like the graphics, the models or the animations. I have no problem with GW2, and indeed with any MMORPG out of ESO.
And by now I can’t play without mouse movement. It’s my main source of endorphins in games.
Ugh, doing SL now (Revendreth) on an old toon on my other account, so wishing I had taken the time to get flying.
Trash mobs while grounded, no thank you. Plus all the amazing things you can see with flying that you otherwise can’t.
Fireworks are always beautiful!
As long as the zones are designed with easy ground navigation I don’t care.
Haven’t chased the PF achievement since it came out, and got it by accident in Legion. Couldn’t care less, and besides been playing other games that are locked to ground navigation so I’m just used to it.
Every keeps citing the drop in players based off of Ion’s single statement which is ridiculous. There is literally NOTHING that offers evidence that THAT is the reason people quit. Instead of because it was kind of a garbage expansion with poorly executed player housing, mission tables that destroyed the economy, a terrible story and a massive content draught.
yeah…there literally IS if one is capable of even the most basic of deductive reasoning, lmao
- “We’re taking flight, you’ll love it”
- “no, we’re not taking flight, instead we’ll make you work to get it”
at the same time subs are spiraling.
sorry guy…yeah…flight was a huge factor in all of it. Not the only thing, but just salt in the wound of a trash expansion
IF flght wasnt involved, guy…there was ZERO REASON to not go ahead and remove it as they planned.
deductive reasoning…there it is lol
I’m pretty sure PF wasn’t the reason WoD tanked in subs. You should be able to compare the data of WoD and Legion that similarly had the same flying system.
shows you responded to me?
if so…I already did the EASY math on ths one
Personally I think IF we had a team that was actually creative they could take their own mechanics in mind and make content FOR flight instead of AGAINST flight…and without having to reinvent the wheel to do it (Dragonflight).
They should just make a more interesting rule set for WM instances and make it easier to get in and out of. I should be able to stand on the inn in ZM and enter WM instance. Just have a portal at the zone’s hubs for WM instance. Red portal for PVP, blue portal back to PVE instance. Have like no flying in pvp instance so it is all ground based and make some world objectives, like huge treasure chests on fixed timer. There’s no reason for WM to be crap, these are easy things to fix.
i agree with removing flying entirely, tbh. we have this discussion every expansion and it’d finally put it to rest.
We keep having this discussion because the game devs are too stubborn to put flying back the way it was when this game was actually fun. At least I can still fly in classic TBC/Wrath. LOL.
I still have a very, very hard time believing anyone who says they want flying removed isn’t trolling.
I simply cannot wrap my head around that perspective. Every expansion we go through the pre-flying slog, the improvement in the flow of the game and the enjoyment of the landscape once there’s flying is just night and day.