Flying isn't needed in 2022

BC, Wrath, and Cata had zones designed with flying in mind. Flying could be considered “overpowered” if we had it from level 1. But we didn’t. We couldn’t use the flying mounts til max level after we have seen most of the content. Flying allowed us to fly over the stuff we had already completed and explore the cool zones they created for us freely.


They left after MoP because WoD is the brown standard.

Then you would have those players who like to divebomb you. Freakin outland terrorist.

This opinion is not needed in 2022. Flying is FUN.

Go play pong then. No one REAL wants to go back to being annoyed ever 2 seconds by mobs stunning them off their mounts even with mount equipment that said it stops that effect.


People keep biting

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[quote=“Aviela-wyrmrest-accord, post:1, topic:1229515”]
feeling of danger, mystique
[/quote] :rofl: :rofl:

[quote=“Aviela-wyrmrest-accord, post:1, topic:1229515”]
[/quote] that’s a good one :rofl: With all the stupid pop culture references made in this game that is hilarious. immersion lol.

i would reconsider that tone…

Why can’t any activity just be chill? Whats next a mini game to scratch my rear end in the most efficient manner.

Scratch Craft! new in 2028!!

I love the concept of Dragon Riding and I want to try it. But at the end of the day, I want to go back to my old flying and save what is left of my concentration for raiding. I only have so much focus in my little body…Blizzard please don’t milk it all away.

Blizzard is becoming a soccer mom on a long car trip, forcing everyone to play car games on the scenic route. She doesn’t care that you no longer love the game, you will play it and you will be awesome at it…for your own good!


Thank you for the daily bad take, Aviela.


This is a fight both of you will lose. Also, if you haven’t noticed Ion changes his mind about everything just give him time.


That’s OK, Dragonflight is coming out in 2023. :slight_smile:


Good for you. If he doesnt want to fly and you dont want to fly, then dont fly.

How about the rest of us have access to what we’ve had since TBC using the hundreds of flying mounts we’ve earned in the game since then. I mean, fer gawdsake, they even offer us ones to buy!

Good thing it isn’t.


Just got home and we’re almost at 200.

I expected nothing and I’m still let down.

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I disagree because if flying is removed from the game, how will Anduin fly on Wrathion’s back when the two boyfriends finally reunite?!

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I’m taking the bait full on but I disagree. Flying is a big reason why I play this game. It’s not even for the practicality of it, the game is gorgeous and it’s huge. I love exploring in the air.


Yes, there LITERALLY is, including instructions on how to find it and a link to an article on WoW losing 44% of its subs in only 6 months. You just need to not be lazy and go look at the quarterly reports, especially the one for 2nd QTR 2015 when The Great Memorial Day Weekend Exodus of 2015 happened and caused the Devs to completely reverse course on killing flying in only 19 days: (click post for more which is where the link is… inside the post that’s linked…)


Nah flying is needed and it needs to be improved and focused on. Its the best feature they have EVER introduced into this game, and they have been trying to stifle it ever since, probably wishing they hadn’t played their ace so early.




This is a completely incorrect narrative about the removal of flying almost killing WoW. Lack of content in WoD almost killed WoW.

The earliest YouTube videos covering Blizzards Q1 2015 reports and the loss of 2.9 million players are mostly dated May 7, 2015.

Memorial day wasn’t till May 25, 2015.

This means WoW had lost the largest chunk of their players well before the no flight ever or in future xpacs announcement due to lack of content. They still continued to lose subs even after they went back on the no flying. If anything going back on flying was their hail Mary to try and get players back and stop unsubscribing; which it didn’t and it wasn’t till Legion their numbers recovered.

I worded it incorrectly “snipe people from the air”. Yes, that was a bit annoying being out and about on your low-level person dealing with max leveled players flying around and dropping in on you. You know if they had to ground mount their way out there, they wouldn’t bother.

I did manage to kill a couple folks doing that by luring them into guards so that was pretty fun. It’s amazing how well /chicken works on some people. hahaha ( it’s real good at pulling rogues out of stealth. They take is sooo personal. :upside_down_face: )