Flying isn't needed in 2022

Absolutely are and are having that discussion. Maybe join in on it instead of just trolling the forums.


I just think it’s funny how people bring up WoD as an example when there was a content drought? People were not complaining about lack of flight. They were complaining about sitting in a garrison all day with nothing to do but raid.

You think flying was the reason WoD bombed?Really? Not the extreme lack of content?

You seriously believe Shadowlands would’ve been a better expansion if nothing changed other than the addition of flying earlier on?

What’s the excuse for Cataclysm’s mass exodus? That expansion had flying right off the bat.

Flying isn’t as important as people believe it is, and I say this as someone who really enjoys flying. Flying is a band-aid over the gaping wound left by poor design choices and a lack of compelling content.

Content drought wasn’t apparent until later when they dropped one of the raid tiers.

the red head in fury road was pretty

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Were you not on the forums when they announced WoD wouldn’t have flying? That’s all anyone ever talked about.

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That’s basically what we’re asking for last I checked.
Let us fly on our current mounts once we finish with the 10.0 mini-game that is going to be thrown out by the end of Dragon Isles.

Funny that a troll thread includes a line supporting the very thing that would be an actual compromise for those wanting flying.
Reach max level, finish the mini-game in 10.0 and unlock normal flying.

See my other post to Aviela. The dropped raid tier came after that.

No, and I never said that about Shadowlands. I said it’s a bad example to use because it didn’t even have flying at the point it lost subs. It lost subs because people hated gated or restricted systems and the content drought.

oh and i like flying

Found your problem right there.

Also, lol troll thread lol.


No, but I’m sure it was extremely misguided. People complained because they don’t like change, when the real issue with WoD is that there was next to nothing to do.

Ok and what about non raiders who still said there was nothing to do, no story, no nothing? Raiders if I’m being completely honest mean nothing to me because their elitism has pretty much ruined the game but that’s for another topic.


If you were here when WoD was really a thing, you’d know what became the biggest controversy before it was apparent there was a severe loss of content. People actually liked WoD at first. Then came the realization they never added flying at max. Then came the realization that they cut content.

The mass exodus was mostly about flying and not raiding at that point.


They should update flying to be like Microsoft Flight Simulator. Want to fly from Stormwind to the Eastern Plaguelands? Settle in, you got 11 hours ahead of you!


Just an aside - what we call “bait” now was “trolling” back in the 90s. Usenet, anyone? Posting for the sole purpose of stirring up drama. Now “trolling” just seems to mean saying something disagreeable.

Back to the discussion already in progress.


See, that’s the deal. “If it were up to me”. Well it’s not. You don’t like flying, then don’t! Leave those of us that do alone. All you need is your ground mount, then you can immersive yourself till the cows come home. Stay on the ground and keep your nose out of other player’s business, please!


According to you and the mysterious us you report to speak for’s opinion.

Because if they don’t enjoy what you do clearly they are wrong and not you. If you’re so in love with flight go play Flyff

you are attributing the result of a function of x, y, z, w, p, and q to solely the change in x.

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holy heck great cockpit pic sabbia

Fixed that for you.


If you play the game the systems and functions in the game are your business; regardless if it is a part of the game you hold precocious. You’re trying to be dismissive of another player’s input on the game by putting it in a negative light that makes you seem validated and them a busy body.

It is essentially the equivalent of me going “You don’t like not flying, then don’t! Leave us alone and stop trying to shove your flying in every zone of the game. Stay in the zones you can fly, and keep your nose out of other player’s business, please!”