agreed, i have mining and herbalism. i cruise around looking for that on my way somewhere. i lollygag. also if i see a boss i cant just stop on a FP and go fight him. I have to wait til i land very far away and then make my way back.
Most people, fromwhat Ive gathered, want flying to get places faster and not to actually fly. They want access to 310% speed and not 100%. I am fairly certain if ground speed was raised most people wouldn’t care if flying was added a month into the expansion or not. Flying means nothing when the outdoor world lacks meaningful content. You are traveling faster to a destination that doesn’t matter. With the whistle and the 140(?)% ground mount speed after using a flight path it still takes no time to do anything and being able to fly would turn a 30 minute chore into a 25 minute one. Woo hoo.
well that didnt take long for someone to go toxic. why i avoided posting my opinion for a while. pretty sure people couldn’t take it.
They could increase ground mount speed by 500% and I’d rather fly at 300%.
Idk when flying is coming because I don’t care, but that dwarf said 1 year in into bfa and blizz said they want 2 year expansions so I’m a bit confused by what you mean here
Why would you? Never once in have I ever tabbed out while on my flying mount. I have tabbed a bunch of times on a fp that the ai has already predetermined where I am going. And what content are you skipping exactly if you have flying? 99.9% of everything in the open world you do, you have to dismount to get the objective done anyways. You talking about the mobs along the way to a quest objective area, that are only there to annoy you? Heck if those annoying mobs actually dropped something besides a few silver, and copper I might not mind trying to avoid them in the first place. Pvp? Warmode button killed that argument also. although I do agree that flight should be disabled, if you have warmode turned on.
I notice that the PVP complaints are usually the exact opposite of each other. Either they’re worried about being dive bombed or they’re worried that their targets can run away. Both arguments seem to cancel each other out. Not to mention they can just change the rules for war mode. Have it so trying to fly in war mode automatically puts a bounty on your head. You know, be creative about it instead of a stick in the mud like the current devs.
Then the 110’s that can’t hide need to turn off WM or deal with being ganked from the air. Most people lived with that from BC until WoD. And PvP’ers are going to PvP with or without flight.
Leave any design decisions to that group of people, they would have taken ground mounts out of the game after Vanilla.
What an amazing deflection of what was actually said. Well done.
You’re ignoring that the problem isn’t flying, the problem is that the game is designed with nothing to do. Taking away flying hasn’t magically made the content better, if anything it’s just demonstrated WHY it’s so bad to begin with.
But sure, call me toxic if that will make you feel better.
I trip out of the nativity regarding Blizz and flying. One of my favorite features to this game. Dropping out of the sky to gank someone was awesome. Saving time mounting up and just getting to the point you need to be. Farming runs, I know it helps the auction house. Killed WOD for me. Killed Legion. BofA no different the Time, gating, repgrinds…the pathfinder…makes no sense to take away such a fun feature. Love this game…but why regress…?
No, Cataclysm was designed around flight. You could even fly during leveling and Vash’jir was basically a play test of flying combat.
The community consensus was Cata leveling was less fun and the zones were less memorable. Flying up to raid and dungeon entrances was a meaningless gimmick that added nothing. Also, no clip 3D combat is garbage.
Was that because of flight or because of the on-rails quest lines that started with Cata? You didn’t explore anymore, your route through the zone was pre-planned by Blizzard.
I wasn’t happy about it, definitely. Argus was a major PITA to get around on foot.
I don’t mind earning it. That part is fine to me. I just hate waiting until the x.2 patch. We have seen and done everything in the release content by x.1, so there is no reason to wait longer. It just makes the game more boring than it needs to be.
Good grief…Middle of the pile?
Ion will not lose face.
deflection na, just something that made me laugh. im still trying to wake up drinking coffee atm.
yep now imagine getting on a flying mount and skipping all other content to get from a to b. this takes out forced situations say if you was on a ground mount.
exactly why wouldn’t you tab out or walk away
it was a good laugh
Yeah well they did add flight and then after 10 years of having flight they decided “you know what? we dont want this anymore.”
If Blizzard was really so opposed to flight they would have decided “yep lets just leave this as a thing you can do in Outlands and thats it”
Instead they went and put it in every expansion and even went back to allow flight in Azeroth with Cata. Of course people arent going to be happy when for a decade they treated flight as the natural reward for getting level capped to all of a sudden it being this horrible atrocious thing.
Personally I still dont believe it has anything to do with them not liking it and everything to do with them wanting to be lazy with world design.
There is a reason that places like Northrend feel massive when compared to newer zones. Flight was taken into consideration when designing it. Its easier for them to design a zone with only foot travel in mind then after 12 months of forcing you to be on the ground they say “yeah ok fly now my pretties!”
Legion had some really cool zones but when you could fly the entire continent felt tiny. Northrend and Outland still feel huge even with flight because it was designed with flight being a part of the end game.
Remove flying forever.
What “content”? Everyone still playing has seen the content. If you are suggesting being dazed, knocked off your mount or having to run around a mountain you’ve ran around 10,000 times trying to get to point B is “content”, that’s just crazy talk.
For that matter…why are dungeons and/or raids essential to flying?
There is nothing that you can name that has less connection to flying than dungeons and raids, where flying will never occur.
There are too many things that are more and more requiring dungeons and raids in order to obtain, or even participate in.
Legion was prime for this and the list of things that one could not do unless they completed their class campaign (which required dungeons for every class except for druids) was long.
There is obviously a “new vision” for WOW which includes connecting nearly every activity to dungeons and raids in one form or another. The original “vision”, which was to create a game that lauded itself as a place for all styles of game play, is being extinguished, one expac at a time.
Still no word on whether they are going to require dungeons and/or raids for Pathfinder 2 in BfA. Always makes me nervous when they seem to keep such information so hidden until the last minute.