You don’t have to be. You just have to do some quest, wq, or activity that flags you for pvp. also there are other ways of killing you rather than on the field of battle.
With the last patch being an area where you can’t fly at all. Great compromise there…
Good for you. Not everybody plays the same way you do. Some of us prefer to not eat a repair bill multiple times a day due to fatigue.
The comments have changed because many of the pro-flyers, such as myself, have unsubbed and just check the forums periodically to see if the Dev team has gained the slightest bit of a clue and brought flying back faster. I could not even level one single alt to 120 this xpac before I got frustrated enough by the lack of flying that I unsubbed for the first time since at least 2009 if not earlier.
Then no flying in WM and flying out of WM. Problem solved.
Uh. when I fly I’m in control and looking on the ground for things I might miss. I dont auto-fly. If you dont like flying. great. don’t fly.
When I’m on a FP, I go to the bathroom and/or kitchen. I am absolutely not engaged.
Do you really think people are going to go flying just to fly and if you think I’m alone on this you would be mistaken.
exactly! this has been my stance for months now. They just need to increase the rewards of war mode to compensate the loss of flying.
You seem to have missed part of the rationale behind limiting flight being “we want to work less on making this part of the game work.” Before WoD, they didn’t want to bother designing around flight, or implementing aerial hazards or no-fly zones or whatnot. They wanted to keep making the same old style of quests and forcing players to approach those quests in the same limited number of ways because it was less work.
With that in mind, do they sound like people who really want to re-design the flight system to make it more complex?
Thats what flying is, you auto fly to your location that you are shooting for.
They could increase rewards by 100% and I wouldn’t turn it on.
I think most people, when flying, are going to be paying more attention to the game than if they were using a flight path. Either they want to actually hit their target instead of overshooting it by several zones or they want to be able to react to things on the ground, like mining and herbalism.
Really? Did you cry about argus aswell?
yeah or dive bombing players. make it so much fun when people come out of no where an trash you
Of course he thinks that.
Ion would argue a mass shooting is a “nice middle ground” between no shootings at all, and total genocide. Here’s the thing: there doesn’t need to be a “middle ground” in this situation.
The game will not be served in any appreciable positive way by locking out a long-standing feature for a year or more. If flying were such an issue, we would have seen it be an issue in previous expansions, and yet we didn’t. Ever.
Certain developers want to claim it ruined the game and made their jobs harder, but this isn’t borne out by actual history or any of the expansions in which this should have been the case.
It’s a load of rubbish; they know it, and we know it, but unfortunately we just don’t have a dev team with integrity enough to stop lying about their motivations for even two seconds, and there’s nothing the players can do to impact things either way, short of leaving outright and citing this as the reason.
You’re a Gnome, hide in a bush if you’re worried about being dive bombed.
If you’re talking about compromise and fairness then flying is only relevant for a few months out of a 2 year expansion. Hardly a fair compromise to those that want flying.
im a gnome rogue, i generally dont have to worry about it, it would be the 110 an early level players that cant hide.
I mean…
Ion clueless as to how to make BFA not the failure it’s been? More news at 11?
Maybe, now roll with me on this. Maybe…the world should actually have things worth interacting with in between you and the location you’re shooting for?
Shocking, I know, that I feel like WoW should maybe have interesting things to do. But hey I mean, afking your flight path until you’re at your destination then blowing your magic whistle to teleport back that’s…that’s so much engagement right?
Imagine if treasures and rares were actually…you know…worth finding? Here’s a newsflash, genius, the reason people fly from point A to point B is because point B is literally the only F***** thing worth doing in the game. You’re not ignoring “content,” and saying otherwise is disingenuous.