Flying in DF sounds awful

You can disagree but it still doesn’t make it true.

It has me worried as well. They tend to go overboard with their features sometimes and if you don’t partake in something you don’t even have a game to play.

I just hope I can get into alpha or beta like I have been so I can see if I can actually even play this. I don’t want to buy an expansion and find out I can’t do this flying business because of the way my interface is set up or it requires more coordination than I have.

The entire game is nothing but a time sink.

then… people should be entitled to skip any challenge except for those with worthwhile rewards right? Meaning, by your logic, it should be perfectly fine to select a boss or npc from a dropdown menu, hit “enter instance” and you down the mob to get your loot.

So why not, by your reasoning, allow people to click a menu of mobs that they want to kill and just skip the ones they don’t? To prioritise the use of your time and effort.

No, that would be your cartoonish logic where every “challenge” seems to carry equal value to you.

I can appreciate that content A (instanced content) retains its value for a longer time and content B’s (world content’s) value drops off a cliff once you’re at level cap. It has ALWAYS been like this. A more complicated form of flight isn’t going to change it. I expect it it’s going to make players do that less valuable content even less often than they do it now.


Because since 2007 Blizz has offered a way for us to get around mobs and I’d like it to remain that way. If I’m left with absolutely no choice but to ride my ram through that mob the moment I get dismounted I’ll use every tool at my disposal to get clear and simply feign death. If adds are still around simply camouflage and move to a clear spot. Almost sounds like you are advocating for any form of stealth to be unusable in caves since why should rogues and druids be allowed to stealth past all those mobs just to get to the one thing they need?

Thank you Rollo for summing up that person’s thought process. lol


We won’t know for certain how it will be until it gets here. Dooming and glooming it before it’s even launched is just silly. I understand concern but there’s nothing to be done till it launches. Then we will see.

Sadly it won’t be something you can try without buying the expansion unless you’re lucky enough to get testing access.

You’re changing your mind that players should not be allowed to skip challenges without rewards that are worthwhile to them?

because you said this

as a justification for skipping those challenges.

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After seeing it in action , I love it.

I see this taking over pathfinder 11.0 onward and I thinks it’s a great solution to build the world around a mechanic that allows basic gliding and develops into flying as you spend time in the world the devs created.

I was never a full fan of the air swimming

I was worried about it, but after seeing people stream it, the flying looks fun. I’ll of course know better when I can actually try it out. But there’s nothing that stands out as inaccessible or annoying about it.

I’m not changing my mind about anything. Content with rewards of diminishing value don’t need to have that experience prolonged, nor is that experience harmed by players choosing to not walk through the whole thing in perpetuity, and, no, that’s not the same as wanting some kind of magic content menu that lets you skip around the game to the bits you want (even if that’s exactly what the raiding community has and the developers are totally fine with).

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Panda meat is on the menu boys , get your knives ready :yum:

As somebody who is pro fiying, i don’t have a problem with opinions that differ from mine, as long their not trying to use it to dismiss other opinions. You know the ones, the “No you’re wrong, it’s going to be LIT!” “Oh no, they have to play the game” or… “I haven’t seen any negative opinions…”… Or any other “opinion” like that, that the only purpose it serves is to dismiss people’s concerns and skepticism, disallowing them to have different opinions essentially because “Don’t ask questions, just consume product and be excited for next product” mentality their taking with this here. :roll_eyes:

There should be concerns with the new system, like the overall utility it offers, instead of just looking at the subjective “fun” that is no way measurable. Is it more useful other then traditional flying? Is having a turn limit, stamina bar, gravity and momentium, and progression more useful then traditional flying essentially? Is it even a good fit for the game? That’s the questions we should be asking and encouraged. And we should encourage Blizzard to let the feature speak for itself instead of locking us to one. Give us the option and we will make a decision if it’s good or not. I mean were just hot off the heels of “jump” puzzles, and we see how well it worked in ZM. Not great at all if the Blizzard isn’t going to actually going to improve the jumping to make the puzzles work, or design the game around the game’s limitations. (and before somebody say “well i had fun”, good for you, but subjective feelings are not substantial arguments)

It’s also strange that people who are anti-flying, are suddenly pro dragon-flying, despite the fact that if they are truely anti-flying, they would know that dragon flying only exacerbate the issues they take with flying, but i guess their pretending hypocrisy isn’t a thing. :thinking:

Also, i think you mean pro Dragon-flying, but whatever.

Kind of hoping for the same after seeing dragonriding in alpha, it looks kind of unimpressive tbh. Not awful, just unimpressive. (in before somebody trying to discredit my opinion because they don’t desire my honest opinions. Also yes, i know it’s alpha, but i’ve seen alphas more impressive then this) Thanks to the community over hyping it, to a point where nobody can sit down, and actually think or examine it, and just go “Okay, it looks cool, but i’l wait and see”.


Why not? Why should you be entitled to skip terrain and NPCs because you don’t find it engaging or rewarding but other players be forced to, say, fight trash in raids or even mobs in the world if they don’t it engaging or rewarding?

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will flying be better or worse?


Putting aside the fact that those raiders are allowed to skip right past the content I’m not allowed to fly over, there’s not a dungeon I’ve been in where players haven’t endeavored to avoid the garbage. They, like me, have obligatory things they have to do to get what they want (like I do with quest objectives I’m flying between), but they’re welcome to try to avoid the crap encounters in instances.

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Define “AFK”. I mean a lot of people use this to simply describe an action a person is doing they disagree with, which that’s not what AFK actually is.

And even if they do actually AFK, so what?..

Which isn’t really engaging if there is no means to combat that other then dodging. Aerial combat would’ve made that engaging then Dragon Flying.

…Because it uses the same code as swimming. It’s not done to be insulting towards it, it’s used to describe it. That how it works since 2007.

If people are only now saying it like that as you implied, it makes me think that people don’t really care about it all that time… so why now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You’re complaining about un-realism in a fantasy game with jack black pandas that defy every sort of physics known to man, or that were riding on mounts that are on fire which by every since of realism, would fry us alive the moment we sit on one of them.

I… don’t think that’s the word you’re looking for here.

You seem to think speed is all people care about and think it’s the end of the argument there. There’s more too it then just speed.

There’s no turn limit on traditional flying, there’s no gravity or momentum, and there’s no stamina bar, allowing us to have full control over our mount where it’s more utilitarian then speed. It just simply works to get you point A to B, much like Ground mounts. Some allow you to gather while flying.

Your only argument is assuming everybody who wants traditional flying will just go AFK. This is just simply you discrediting people who disagree or like something you dislike over something so minor, instead of actually explaining why your side is better on it’s own merits. On why your side of thinking having less control and function over our mounts is a good thing somehow.

Functionality is something to be embraced, not feared. And i yet to see any useful functionality from Dragonflying out side of just flying fast.

I’m curious about the accessibility from an arthritis/carpal tunnel/other hand injuries standpoint. Is Dragonriding only doable with using the mouse? Moving around in game by using the mouse is rather painful for me and I avoid it whenever possible. Don’t worry. I don’t participate in grouped content much anymore, so my gameplay shouldn’t impact others often. However, I would still like to be able to plod along and play what I can in game. So far, it doesn’t sound like I’m going to be able to do that.

why is it awful???

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