Flying in DF sounds awful

i agree. can blizzard please just give us normal flying?

I’m really looking forward to dragon riding. I think the air swim made it too easy to farm and killed much of the fantasy. This new mechanic looks really good to me.

And there’s not a dungeon or raid where an at-level group can skip all the trash and just down the boss. Should players be entitled to skip content they don’t find engaging or rewarding?

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It’s not for lack of trying.

A WQ “boss” or objective has never been comparable to or rewarding as instanced content objectives and bosses. They are more challenging by design. All content is not created equal. All content does not deserve equal treatment.

You don’t already?

Do you slap down every irritable trash mob around that manages to aggro on you instead of outrunning it? Do you chase down every WQ regardless of how irrelevant the reward is? Do you just not do a WQ because it’s a pain in the butt to get to?

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I appreciate DF for the simple fact that it has allowed us to go away from packed zones to vast and open zones again.


And it’s possible, DEVS YOU HEAR ME, no more compact zones.

Big lively zones or terrains or whatever give life to the areas. Not these percentage analytical based designs. ‘‘Only 23.5968 % like beetles so we’ll include a few beetles in one zones’’ lol


With how fast you will be able to fly with dragon riding, it will probably make farming easier and being stuck having to use a dragon, as cool as they may be, kills a considerable amount of my fantasy. Especially if I’m playing a druid. Negativity aside :sweat_smile:, I think the system looks pretty cool and look forward to trying it out.

I am definitely excited for this. I miss vast open worlds because they feel so immersive. It will definitely be a nice feeling after how things were laid out in Shadowlands.


In your opinion. Only speak for your self next time

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The air swim can’t possibly be more fantasy than flying, stalling, up-drafting, landing, and going… splat. I think that in this case, the realism helps maintain the fantasy. It’s something relatable, but still fantasy.

Someone else on the forum mentioned that each zone in Dragon Isles is as big as all of Northrend.

If that is the case, 310% flight speed is going to feel too slow. It will take a long time to get anywhere with it.

Dragon Riding is twice as fast on the Alpha with zero upgrades and no dragon riding talents. Fully upgraded I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 3 or 4x as fast. It will be the much preferred method of getting from A to B, at least for traversing zones or any kind of long-distance flight.


The realism will help for sure and I’m looking forward to that. One of the reasons I really like using the Sky Golem, and others based off it, is that even while flying in a straight line it banks back and forth, occasionally doing a barrel roll and surging forward, and that’s really fun and cool! Overall I think dragon riding will be more immersive, at least I feel for me and others who like it. We’ve just been so used to that air swim that we’ve never really compared it to other forms of flight.

One of my favorite things to do in Grand Theft Auto is to simply drive around, especiallt on a winding road, and have fun. This might be that, only in the air. lol I just don’t want to get too excited because I’m worried about everything everything that could get left behind. All our mounts and various druid forms. Things that form a significant part of what who our characters are. We shall certainly see. :smiley:

If I’m in my gyrocopter, yes. I expect to be able to hover indefinitely. It’s why I built it.


You know, it’s strange people want to talk about realism in a game when reminder, this game has this mount. :point_down:

Realistically speaking, you would be literal toast, brown bread, if you attempt to sit on something like that.

Though i guess it wouldn’t be as convenient for their argument to explain why this is a-okay, or even knowledge that helicopters, as well some animals like birds and insects hover too in real life. Let it alone, we don’t have giant fire breathing dragons, as well dragons that makes plants grow. We literally have no basis for the mass of these creatures considering they don’t exist, and yet these people here are acting like it’s possible physics wise. What’s their basis of comparison of “realism” here? A popular Dreamworks 3D cartoon movie? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And i’m not throwing crap at ‘How to train your dragon’ here, i’m sure it’s an amazing movie, i’m simply saying that shouldn’t be your basis on realism. That’s like saying “this action game with guns need to be more realistic” and your looking at John Woo movies for your basis of what you think is realistic and trying to apply that in real life to try to apply it to a game. I love Face/Off, but nothing in that movie’s action scenes are realistic. And that’s literally fine.

Look, if you (generally speaking) think it looks fun… Just say it. You don’t need to come up with things like “It’s realistic!” if you’re not even going to prove how it’s realistic.

I think this game would be more fun if it had more physics. Physics are more realistic and relatable than air swim.

would you guys prefer to fly or walk everywhere?

It’s SOMETHING that gets you up in the sky and from place to place faster than walking. You get normal flying eventually.

Getting kinda tired of the goldilocks syndrome around here it’s going to get us nothing good at all fast.

Imagine thinking Blizzard is going to lock you out of your entire mount inventory for an entire expansion rather than just the first patch of the expansion.

If you don’t like it that much feel free to walk everywhere or use ground mounts.

I for one will absolutely not mind a way to jump off mountains and “glide down” right off the bat in an expansion rather than face plant 500 yards down and die.

so u want a glider

If you only count decent speed i can skydive from one side of the city to the other faster than i can drive.

But skydiving every time i want to get groceries isnt really faster is it?


Well i’m glad you have that opinion on what you think would be subjectively fun.

Personally, i much rather it be functional and responsive, rather then simply being a hindrance. Because it allows me to get to the fun where i need to be, considering most of the content i’m going to be doing is on the ground anyways.

But i think you’re allowing the “Oh wow this is fun!” to cloud your judgement here, instead of thinking how this will be useful this will truly be aside from just simply speed? Like is there gonna be something like a Turn limit? How long is the stamina going to last or how it works exactly? How exactly the momentum and gravity is going to work in this game with this feature? What are the drawbacks of this feature? Will this feature take into account the delay between client and servers here since were going so fast?

Why a lot of you choosing to hyping it up without even knowing 100% all the details of the dragon-riding?

In the game with Ashes of Alar?

Why did you type this out? Just curious, why did you type this in response to my comment where i’ve refuted this “realism” point that people love to use? Did you even read the comment of mine before typing this out? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

. . . all I can really say is . . .