The only problem I have with Dragonriding is apparently not being able to use any of my many flying mounts for flying. I remember Blizz took away the water strider’s ability because they didn’t want people to feel they had to ride a particular mount. Now they’ve designed an entire expansion requiring exactly that?
I have a deep feeling Walkerbo its not optional at all …we will have to do it in order to fly …
I never noticed how its litteraly like half the same people on each thread arguing for flying its kinda funny
WAVES too Brahmina long time no see hun…WAVES
If the biggest system is going to an alternative way of flying I’ll take that over the systemcraft of SL
Maybe I’m weird, but I’ll take Dragon Riding over getting around in Shadowlands. 4 separate zones that You ALWAYS have to use a flight path to traverse, no covenant hearth stones, no flight master’s whistle, and we had to till 9.1 t fly still.
That vs, the new system which is 2-3x faster than normal flying, available from day one, and is meant to be immersive. From what I’ve seen, it looks fun and much faster.
That said it is Blizzard and there’s plenty of time for he monkey paw to curl, and limiting it only to the new area, AND limiting it to only specific mounts is kind of frustrating. (Understandable but annoying) so we’ll have to see.
Over all though I don’t think it sounds awful or even like busy work.
Bring back flight whistle 2022
Yes without a doubt bring it back…it was one few best things put into the game by the dev…
As I said this feature isn’t replacing our ground mount , flight points, and traditional flying. I don’t know where you people assume it’s replacing all of these things I just listed out.
At least there’s some sense in it given the first raid has a big proto drake called the “Storm-Eater” that’s able to summon and control wind. It’s not much, definitely not entirely enough to satisfy myself as far as explanations for being unable to coax my idiot griffin into flapping its big, arbitrarily useless wings to even so much as glide when it and my own life depend on it, but it’s something.
Pathfinder’s still garbage btw.
That would be such a Piddy.
it looks too complicated for a basic function - I never wanted a mini game to be made out of travel.
Seems they MIGHT introduce traditional flying much later but for now dragon riding is the thing, rest of the mounts are basically grounded. And a lot of what is offered in the open world kinda revolves dragon riding from what I read.
Truth is always stranger than fiction. If you need proof look at all the effort they have put into WoW to derail that “game mechanic”. Yet they know they cant get ride of it because people will just overall quite like when they tried in WoD. Their actions have never shown otherwise.
Waves back.
WoW patch 10.1: QWOP
nothing to see here, just another person who somehow believes that a flying mount awards the owner with all the boss loot and a 99% parse on warcraft logs…
You’re i274 out of a theoretical maximum of ~280(?). what ilvl do you think you would be if you got an upgrade multiple times a week?
Oh please quit with this sideshow dude. Practically everyone has set to follow at some point in their play time.
It’s not flying it’s falling with style