Flying... Here's the truth

No, I’m not. If people didn’t rage about half the stuff they do the forum would be a very boring place. Those folks keep me coming back.

Nice. That’s why I come here.

That’s what I keep telling folks about Pathfinder.

There are more pros than cons when it comes down to it.


First off, I think adding flight to the game was a huge mistake. It’s clearly too late to go back on that now but that’s how I’ve always felt about it. That being said…

Having to wait 6+ months just feels bad. Pathfinder itself isn’t so terrible it’s the fact it takes so long for them to let us complete the 2nd part that annoys me the most.

While I can’t speak for everyone, I think pathfinder should be made available for completion the moment we hit max level. It’s not a perfect solution but it’s better than waiting over half a year to get flight imo.

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Why was it a mistake to begin with?


I still feel like they should require Loremaster and Explorer for the zones, even if they implement a purchase option at max level. This satisfies their “experience the world from the ground first,” mentality.

Sorry, come Shadowlands Blizzard is going to remove Draenor and Legion Pathfinders. It’s not staying.

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The one people are whining about is for current content, yeah it is, lol.

Also, sorry you read only my post ahead of hopping in, but Lyanna and Tessa are talking about 2015.


Explain to me the pro’s when it comes to the end user. I have to grind ridiculously mind-numbing, IQ-dropping content in order to get flying. This is compounded by the fact that most of that content has nothing to do with the story and if it never got done, it wouldn’t impact the story, progression, or anything that actually mattered.


The only Pro for me, is that it is account-wide.

Edit: Ok, two of them reward a mount, as well.

  • If you are an alt heavy user - you don’t have to unlock again or sink gold into unlocking the new zones.

  • It also forces a player to become more familiar with the terrain in an area before getting flying.

  • It also trains players about aggro radius of mobs in the open world.

  • It can teach players how to look up things outside of the game, or how to access the achievement screen.

  • It reinforces the basics of this mmo’s design of grinding to get rewarded.

Off the top of my head.


All of which can be done without holding flying ransom. By the time you get to the level where flying is even a concern, you should already know these things.


Of course. Any excuse to silence opposition. Gotta, use that automated moderator to it’s fullest.

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When I think of all the effort that Square-Enix puts into making each expansion of FFXIV, flying in all zones, new races, new classes in every single expansion if not all three. It really puts Blizzard’s laziness and apathy into perceptive.

The people defending pathfinder here just seem absurd. Like they want this developer to rest on their laurels and do less while they pay the same. FFXIV even has the option of reduced monthly fees, and they still manage to do more than Blizzard with fewer people.

But most of all they just seem selfish. Like they just want everyone to play like them. Reminds me of PVP players that oppose PVE servers. They just want everyone to play like them.


Pathfinder is fine, you just play the game and you get it. Now it would be better if they released it one patch sooner. But all in all it is fine.

But here is the painful truth: Blizzard is not a democracy, pathfinder is coming in shadowlands that much is known. It is what it is. Now you can write pages of revisionist history explaining to blizzard how they lost billions of subs because of flying (like they do not know the real numbers and truth), or you can vote with your wallet if you want to and not come back until flying is released, (but all that will happen is when you come back you will be that much delayed getting flight).

In any case, everything that needs to be said about flying has been said over and over again, nothing has changed, pathfinder is coming and I am OK with that.

People still complaining about pathfinder here just seem absurd.

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From Blizzard’s perspective - I would assume defending Pathfinder falls into the same reason as you’d defend LFR. A ton of time and effort is put into designing those zones - and they want everyone to experience the zone as they were intended to be experienced - on the ground. Flight over them ruins they’re intentions - especially if it can be achieved easily without having to play the content.

People can boost toons past the leveling process… so no guarantee they’ll know anything of the sort. Additionally - one could in theory level purely in a dungeon or pvp setting - which would bypass lessons one would learn in the open world.

It doesn’t matter how much people say this. It doesn’t make it true. Or… it’s a meta-truth. You literally get everything in the game just from playing the game. Granted, it’s not parts of the game I would normally spend this much time in.

I like that it unlocks for my entire account, but I’m not a huge fan of returning to half-done reps to do something repetitive, that I was not planning to do before Pathfinder.

My biggest example is when they released PF for Draenor. I have to get what with the who, now? Saberstalkers? What do you mean, their rep is tied to killing these elite saberon mobs? Oh, and they are tightly packed in groups of 2 or 3? And their claws are used for the currency? Sign me up! Right up there with obtaining Unshackled rep in Nazjatar, for some of my least favorite memories in WoW. I’ve been here since the beginning, and I don’t unsub, but I don’t forget this type of low point, either. Made me dread logging in, and it’s a game. It’s meant to be fun.


Amen to that.


This on so many levels

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