i can also tell ION and you both to kiss my rosy red… how do you like those apples?
Doesn’t do anything to change the reality of the situation
You have no we’s let alone friends… This post proved that…
Plenty of people in this thread say they like some form of pathfinder, so you proved exactly nothing.
What ppl? u mean the 4 idiots like you?
And here he/she /it goes flagging me… what a tool
iv had 3 month fourm bans at a time one more wont matter Snitch
I can’t say that I agree with personal attacks. While I strongly disagree with the idea of needing pathfinder to get flying (especially with how much work goes into it), I do respect other’s perspectives. Simply because I strongly disagree with someone for thinking differently or having a contrary opinion, doesn’t mean I have to be mean to them for it. I just look at it from the perspective that this is a game, and even though at times it has aspects that I find unsatisfying, I still need to approach it that way. So, while I don’t think that people should jump straight to reporting people for things (especially something that was as simple as this), I can’t support verbal attacks on people for expressing themselves in a way that is neither aggressive or disparaging of others.
The easiest way to settle it for both sides …
Make no flying servers.
I agree with this. I would support it. The only issue with this would be the slippery slope argument of then bring back pvp only servers, which I also support.
However at some point you will end up balancing the game over 1-3 different populations which would be very hard in respect to farming rates and auction houses.
Or how do you deal with server swapping?
Should one server get more resources than the other?
The question becomes where do you stop and how can you balance the two or more games?
I thought about it deeply and I think the best compromise is to have surrounding leveling zones as flyable and a main max level zone where its only ground mount walking like Argus but bigger in scale and less vindicar transportation.
To reiterate, no they wouldn’t remove the established flying zones. That means absolutely nothing about future zones not yet in the game, having or not having flight available. Ion and enough other devs thought they could swing not putting flying into FUTURE parts of the game and had to be informed that not removing flying was not enough, they had to put flying in when they didn’t want to. Flight was never going to be removed, that was never discussed, never proposed, never suggested. Whether or not NEW parts of the game would have it, that’s what we had to fight for.
I can’t stress enough how damaging restrictions on flying has been to gathering professions. Some would argue that they make more gold during no flying periods but neglect to consider time investment not matching the investment per hour.
WoD hid the dangers of non flying to gathering professions due to garrisons. However with legion and BFA gather professions have taking a hit along with crafting professions.
Overall, WoW is crippled when they throttle flight they way they do for any player doing quests, professions, pet battles, etc.
It turns WoW into AFK in cities waiting for instanced queues. Isn’t that what people complained about in Cata?
IF that is the case why has the game become more instanced heavy since then and more punishing to do non instanced content in terms of time investment?
No. That’s just one of the insane excuses that makes no sense since you can’t level to cap on the back of a flying mount in the air.
The real reason is:
… of half the player base quitting over flying, see the rest of my post above.
Pretty sure the reason we no longer have PvP servers is because there isn’t enough of a population to support them.
It’s also why they have to bribe players with a leveling boost to turn on Warmode.
But yes, I think they should have one dedicated no flying server and see how it goes.
I cannot believe people are complaining about something that has been part of the game for as long as it hasn’t now. Pathfinder isn’t going anywhere, it’s here to stay. Every single player who actually played in WoD when it was implemented agreed to this compromise for flight when they continued to play the game. It’s time to be adults and get over it. There are more reasons to keep it around than there are reasons to remove it.
Something I have noticed is that a number of players who actively complain about Pathfinder didn’t even play before Pathfinder was a thing anyway, strikes me kind of odd.
No. Pathfinder is stupid and game is better with out flying.
Just Becuase something is the way for x amount of time doesn’t make it right.
Imagine if every one in our history just said “things have been this way so long so it’s ok” and not protested and demanded changes where would we still be?
If we’re going to go as far as to equate this to real life then we need to equate forcing change here also. Blizzard is a company who is here for the money. When losses happens then they figure out what to change to make it start coming in again. As long as players sit here and continue to spend their time and money here then Blizzard understands that it’s not nearly important enough for them to force change and do something they’d rather not do. Obviously Pathfinder isn’t important enough to players for them to force change.
Protest something then. Words on the forum don’t do much. Take action and stop feeding them your time and money.
Half the subs quit over flying in wod.
Sometimes ppl and corporations make stupid decisions that cost them money. And sometimes they double down on those stupid decisions and keep losing out on the money.
Just cuz few addicted players are still here “complaining” doesn’t mean they already haven’t lost thousands if not millions of customers.
You have no idea if that is true or not. Flight was one of the big complaints about that expansion, along with many other complaints. It contributed, sure, but to claim it was the reason is simply not true since you have no backing for that claim.
This whole idea some
Of ya’ll are trying to throw around about “why complain on forums” as if forums haven’t always existed to criticize and give feedback.
You’re just wishing to silence people you don’t agree with. And that isn’t gonna happen.
We’ll be here making threads and posts about stupid stuff blizzard does.
So suck it up.