Flying... Here's the truth

That’s the dev’s plan. Make it such a pain that players just don’t want to do it and then turn around and say “see flying wasn’t that popular we’re taking it away”.


Appreciate the kind words, thanks! Also, cool name.

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Haha cheers :beers:

Ahhh yes… 2 chain quests with yet 200 chain quests that you can not skip.

I want to fly really bad but I refuse to do any quest for flying if it takes longer than 2 hours to complete entire quest line.
Stuff like that is what makes think of not paying for WOW.
Or players find not a glitch but new way for awesome dps.
Yes WOW blizz devs will kill it and say something like it was not a bug
but was not supposed to work that way. That is how devs kill fun.


If blizz devs use that logic then they need to be fired and made homeless.




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By advocating flying being removed from endgame content because you personally don’t want to do the requirements enough to get Pathfinder, makes you sound like a narcissistic DB who doesn’t want anyone else to have something you don’t.

People who fly away from you in Warmode, aren’t in the mood for PvP. Learn what mutual consent means, and why it’s important both in the game and in RL.


They should make one realm for the few people who don’t like flying so they can all live in their wpvp/inconvenience fantasy. Every other realm would let you fly right from the get-go.

You could group with players on this realm (so it wouldn’t break up friends), but you couldn’t fly when you do so.


I sincerely hope you’re right, because while I like being able to fly on my alts while they level, I’d much rather have flying earlier for my main.


Whoah, take it easy. I’m not sure where this anger is coming from.

Probably because you said “or remove flying completely from current content”. That’s not popular for obvious reasons.


Honestly I don’t mind having to earn flying. I enjoy both points in an expansion. Seeing people on the ground in the world is nice. Both for PVE and PVP content. I also enjoy flying around and seeing the world from a different perspective, but I don’t mind doing it on the ground first and having that experience for a while.

I understand the argument of “if you don’t wanna fly don’t” but honestly having the option to do it makes it too easy to not take the time to explore and appreciate. Yes I realize that’s a self control thing, but I don’t mind the split of flying and no flying.

These were end of the expansion zones for catch up gear and busy work. I left the other 2 out because they were during the current raid tier or a pvp zone.

When looking at past expansion zones and even the map, you can tell the newer areas are smaller.

I just think if flying is available right at max level, then everyone could play the game how they enjoy playing the game. I could fly while you could explore on the ground for a while. When you got tired of being on the ground you could fly too.


I mean that’s partially true, but also not.

I say this because a lot of players will just choose the path of least resistance and start immediately flying from point A to point B the moment they hit max level and the world will feel emptier except for areas where there is a reason to be, because players will be in the sky and out of sight.

This impacts how the world feels alive or not, it impacts world pvp for certain for those that play with warmode on. (I often don’t honestly). Playing a mix of classic and retail right now, honestly seeing people just running around the world has a ‘charm’ to it that feels different. Watching 15 people land, kill something in 5 seconds, immediately mount and fly off heading to the next location doesn’t give that same feeling.

At it’s core, wow is an MMORPG, it’s meant to have some player interaction and the world is meant to feel exciting.

I enjoy the game both ways, but I truly do have an appreciation for seeing people out in the world traveling.

Then I’d say those players prefer flying to not flying.

That’s of little consequence. I say this because before flying was available in BFA Blizzard had to bribe players with heroic level raid gear just to participate in warmode.

Seems classic fills the niche pretty well. Nobody including myself is asking for flying in classic.

The world feels better when I can fly. The world has always felt better when I could fly. Flying never hurt the game. We had flying right at max level for the most successful years of wow’s life. Now I’m not saying flying MADE wow successful but it definitely didn’t hurt it.


If you want to experience the content from the ground badly enough, you will.

If you need Blizzard to force you, then you obviously don’t want to enough to do it on your own.

If I want to interact with you, I will.

Grounding me will not make me want to interact with you more. Just as flying doesn’t make me less social.


Just because you weren’t around for the two+ years of the WoD no flying debacle… doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, and it wasn’t serious enough for them to lose a record number of subs in 19 days, that they had to issue an apology, reverse their, “no more flying in future content ever” policy, and come up with the overly punitive Pathfinder halfway through the worst expansion we’ve ever had.

They used to release sub numbers for WoW every quarter until that happened.


If you’re not asking for flying in classic, why not? If the world just feels better with flying, why would the same not be true in classic?

Flying was available at max level during BC/WOTLK, but that’s also because areas at max level weren’t accessible without it, so it served a purpose beyond just ease of travel.

Directly interacting with players wasn’t my point. Seeing them in the world (which is easier to make happen when people are on the ground) makes it feel more alive was my point. I didn’t really make that clear at first, sorry.

I honestly do see both sides of it, I do also think the pathfinder concept where you have to work to earn it in the game through the content is a happy medium. Perhaps they could relax it or something when the expansion is entering into it’s end phase, but early on I think the balance of no flying and then flying appeases both groups well. I say this because I do fall on both sides of the fence here. There are times where I do want to just mount up and get things done, there are others where I want to take my time and see the world.

I could agree if the rep grinds were able to be done at your own pace without multiple parts and a long drought. The daily rep gating really punished us that couldn’t log in everyday.

With their player base getting older they need to realize some of us don’t have the time to login every single day. Make it so you have certain goal and you finish it at your own pace.