Flying... Here's the truth

Flying wasn’t the only thing to draw me into WoW, but it was certainly one of them. I remember watching a family member flying around zones and thinking “Wow, my other MMOs wouldn’t let me do that!”

It was from that tour and them showing me other things related to the game that I developed a mighty need to play WoW. A couple days later I went out and bought the Battle Chest and Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Here I am nearly 11 years later, in part thanks to flying, however small of a part it might have been.


When flying was released in WoW it basically put the competition behind. EQII, L2, etc all scrambled to put flying into their continuous worlds. Back then MMORPG was defined by large continuous worlds.

WoW currently has an identity crisis and shadowlands world design isn’t helping.

Embracing flight and design around it again would make WoW a much better experience.


Windbag 101
basic lawyering right there

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Let’s let a lawyer make decisions for a game


i wholeheartedly agree. when i got WoD the fact that i could not fly around made me pretty much just give up on it. when i realized i was going to have to go thru hell to get it i quit playing for almost 2 years. that flying requirement literally cost them 2 years of sub money. at the time it was a feature i had earned literally years before and having so many requirements to get it back felt like torture. being able to fly around was and is something i love about wow. i still remember the first time i bought a wyvern mount and took off. it was amazing to feel so free to go where i please and see the sights at my leisure. blizzard has said they don’t like flying but frankly i dont care. i earned that with my time and gold and effort years ago and i think those requirement should be lifted when SL comes out. i know the poeple who have already earned the associated achievements would be pissed but they could replace the reward with a new mount or something. flying in a new zone should require nothing more then reaching the max level for it or purchasing it from a flying trainer. if i recall you had to purchase northrend flying separately from regular flying. i can deal with that. having to purchase legion flying or draenor flying would be perfectly acceptable to me as opposed to feeling like blizzard is giving me the middle finger because they don’t like players flying and i do.


As someone who has earned every single pathfinder while it was current, I would have no problem at all if the entire pathfinder system vanished overnight.


When pathfinder is eventually completely removed you’ll know WoW is in trouble and they need to get subs back.

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They already started a soft phasing out of patchfinder with older expansions with the coming of shadowlands. The end of patchfinder is near because another miscue with patchfinder in shadowlands will really split the player base in two. So many WoW refugees have moved onto FF because FF handles flight better.


I do and others do too. Stop lying

I don’t and others don’t. Use some willpower and stay on the ground.


Congrats. 1117 likes on this thread. I can remember when you made this thread. Hard to believe it has been close to a year :slight_smile: Time flies when your not flying I guess :laughing: Oh btw. I’m still waiting on that epic questline to unlock flight Ion :rofl: You know? The one you mentioned years ago in that Polygon interview.


Go play Classic and leave the rest of us with our freedoms.


FF14 had nodes and daily quests that offered flying per zone once completed. That would be a good substitute.

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You have zero authority to instruct me on what to do. I will keep playing retail, where PF is the status quo.

Flying obliterates all the danger in the world.

I must admit, with all the mounts Blizzard added in the game, removing them would cause quite an uproar. However, to satisfy the hardcore players, I would advocate a no fly zone, or rather, a no mount zone. Make the NPC’s very difficult by giving them abilities that will drop your health to zero regardless of item level. A zone so hard most poeple would go back home crying to thier mommies.

so does stealth.
I know…my main is a flippin druid.


They’d prefer telling everyone else how to play because they cant exert their own will to play on the ground like they want, lol


You just like annoying the people that enjoy flying.


What danger in the world? If you find the world dangerous maybe you’re not as good as you think.