Flying... Here's the truth

So answer me one more thing. Do you enjoy gloating that some people are going to have less fun without flying?

Like I said I am not engaging your bait comments

It kind of sounded like you were but anyways I will just call it brown nosing. You seem to go to bat for the poor decisions of blizzard. Or you are trolling. I haven’t pinned it down yet.

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Or just maybe, i like the notion of everyone being grounded for a few months in the beginning of expansions. I don’t need you to agree with me.

But thats exactly what you’re doing.

Why is that? So you can look around and know you helped contribute to the misery of others? Since the implementation of Pathfinder more and more people on my server have quit the game. Hopefully enough people vote with their wallets that your desire to inflict misery is overridden by Blizzards desire to turn a profit.


I am proud to be the 1100th like :slight_smile:


If you had read all of my replies instead of just jumping into the middle of a conversation, I already explained why. This is not a single player game. Having flight right away at max level impacts the entire population from gathering, questing (including world quests), world pvp, reputation gains, on and on.

I like seeing everybody on the ground and not just leap frogging over everything to get out of there asap. I have also repeatedly said I would like to see PF part 2 removed and the time of part 1 shortened to maybe 4-6 months instead of how it is now.

Like using the instant teleport whistle? Or flight paths?


Welcome to the conversation!

Why does it matter how I play the game? I personally want to leap frog and get done whatever I need to so I can enjoy the activities I want to do like raiding and dungeons. If you want to stand around and RP in a field go for it. I have no desire to do that or meander around paths or whatever you enjoy doing in game. The thing is you want people to be forced into your playstyle. I want everyone to do what makes them happy.


It’s not just about what makes you happy, that’s the point. Some people would be happy if they could get removed items that are no longer available. Others would love to teleport to any point in the map. It isn’t about what an individual wants. If I was the only person who wanted players grounded for a bit when expansions came out, it would not be that way.

But there are people who like it. There is a wide gamut. The only solution is a compromise. It is an MMO so what you do impacts other people whether or not you recognize it. If the game allows that from the start I have to choose between playing the game the most efficient way possible or being way behind in everything.

I get that you don’t agree but what we have now is a compromise and I think it is better to talk about how to improve the compromise rather than just saying ok give the other side their way and too bad for everyone else.

Pathfinder wasn’t a compromise. It was/is a punishment.


Ion didn’t want flight. Tons of people quit. Ion got his hand slapped like a schoolboy and was told he needed to put it back in game. He threw a tantrum and said that if he has to put it back in the game he was going to make it miserable for everyone that wants it. So here we are. As I read through the posts I see 2 groups that like no flight. Those with no lives that can only find fulfillment by completing long empty grinds and gankers. Luckily war mode silenced the gankers.


I think you give them too much credit lol. There was no “anti flying” stance before WoD. The vast majority of people who say they’re against flying are just people who just like seeing enjoyment taken away from others.

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No one wants to “see” everything before we get our freedom back. Waiting for some arbitrary never said time where they drop the second part of an unwanted and unneeded questline just to get back what we already earned is BS.


To be fair, I don’t think he said he wanted it to be miserable, but he definitely did it against his own wishes. He rarely back peddles on a decision, if ever, so for him to back down on flying the backlash had to be VERY severe. He loves to talk a lot without actually saying anything at all though which drives me nuts.


You will not be the last and thanks for your contribution to the pro flight cause! :100:


Everything is hard for them because they have no passion. It’s a real chore having to come up with new content for the dumb sunken cost fallacy slot machine addicts.

Maybe it’s fun for them to see how tedious they can make the game.


Since WoD no new talent tier. No new baseline class abilities. Game has contracted and been pruned.

Worlds shrinking.

Not surprising they tried to remove flight. They wanted to do a soft reboot of WoW as an action RPG. That failed.

So now they are currently rudderless. Lets see if they learned anything with shadowlands. Something tells me they are going to double down on action RPG elements while ignoring MMORPG elements.

Designing continuous worlds where you can fly around flying mounts that you have earned seemed like the pinnacle of what WoW used to stand for and stand out from the rest of the MMORPG crowd.