Flying... Here's the truth

I agree. Unlocking flight is fine. Do it like FFXIV. Have us go through each zone, and unlock it gradually for that zone, then when we come back for the rest of the expansion, we now have flight. You can appreciate the world on foot, and appreciate the flying advantage more. Flight shouldn’t be something I unlock for my alts.

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I never understood what was wrong with just buying it after hitting the expansion’s max level. :crazy_face:


I experience that every day when flying. I can’t “experience a full game world” unless I can fly. That makes it complete.

I adamantly disagree with this. If flying is delayed, once I get it I say “FINALLY, thank god I don’t have to slog around on the ground, it should have been available sooner”. It’s definitely not a feeling of appreciation.


This isn’t a compromise. It’s an FU for wanting it. Compromise would have been talking to players and meeting halfway. At least, a good one anyway. There is no compromise here. Just a spiteful developer who hates a thing, was outnumbered on his opinion and made it a massive chore that he knew most wouldn’t bother with. It’s why Argus had no flying at all.

And it’s weird, for all this talk about skipping content and flying over it. They still designed gliding for DH’s. And they are giving one covenant a massive teleport that can skip mobs in RAIDS. Heck originally all the covenants had abilities that literally allowed them to skip mobs and run through them.

And the whole “you don’t want it enough” excuse is so lame. No crap. There’s a point where wanting something goes out the window when it becomes miserable to obtain. That has nothing to do with the value of the goal. That applies to real life. Not a game that people pay monthly to play. Don’t make this game into a job that I pay for.


I think this is more because they were lazy to make it a flyable zone.
Something something development time we need to focus on the next expansion. You know the excuses by now


Classic is there, ready for you.

But now we have warmode so this point you bring up is now irrelevant.

This is about as much a “compromise” as the Refusal ending from Mass Effect 3 that was added after outcry. You know, the one where it’s just a recording of Liara lamenting that the player dun f’ed up and everyone failed and died for rejecting Casey Hudson and Mac Walter’s asinine finale. They even made it trigger if you shot at the Star Child NPC at the end (your shots passed harmlessly through but the videos of people doing so pissed them off enough to reprogram the game).

This is about the same level of pettiness.

Heh…that’s true too!

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I can’t wait to see how SL turns out lol

It is a compromise, since the alternative was to have NO flight, but someone like you that sees that everything must be what your types want exactly, and if you don’t get your way, then it’s an affront to you personally. The developers must look at costs, and other market conditions, and if content is completed too fast, then the development costs go up, and that would mean there would be more expansions in a shorter timeframe, and would increase the costs. Everthing is based upon budgets.
You mentioned DH’s gliding, which is an actual ability, in the same way as a alternative means of travel? Blizzard should limit druid forms if this is the case, since you can move faster in different environments, and are immune to polymorphs.

I also pay for this game, but you must pay more for a special account that makes your opinion more valuable.

This is exactly correct. Flying should be unlocked at max level once all the major quests for each zone is completed. This is more than fair, and it does not feel punishing at all, unlike pathfinder.


It is NOT a compromise at all.

Financially Blizzard couldn’t afford no flight so they didn’t have an option. The HAD to keep flying. PF is just a spiteful punishment for those that actually enjoy flying.


Don’t forget about mages … their teleports let’s you skip content ENTIRELY!!! But wait … It’s an ability so it’s okay to skip content.

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Fair for whom? Methinks for those who refuse to do what’s necessary simply because it’s an affront to then personally.

You can’t be this blind lol i mean seriously. You’re obviously a “flying ruins the game” type of player.

While I agree part one should let you fly in the areas that are concerned, you guys are making pathfinder so much worse than it actually is.

I’d still much rather do pathfinder on the toon i’ll do all the content anyway and then can fly with every other character I make until the game goes offline, as opposed to paying an inflated amount of money on all my characters.

Think about 310% vs 100% speed. Yeah. That’s why. And little to no mobs to worry about.

I did most of the content for Legion/Draenor while I was alliance and now I have to do it all over again on my horde so that I can actually get the achievements, but I REALLY don’t want to. :sob:

Do I want to see the same content over and over and over? No.

Flying let’s you get past the garbage content you’re forced to go through month after month.

Imagine walking to every world quest daily, for months just to reach revered or exalted to unlock flying so you can get to those same WQ faster. Where is the joy in that?


Fair for everyone. Then those that want to fly can fly and those that enjoy being on the ground can stay there. Options.