Flying... Here's the truth

This is what happens when you put a lawyer in charge of designing a game.

That and Blizzard becoming creatively bankrupt over the years. And wanting to do less work for more profit. It’s weird that they hate flying, but design maps to make land movement as painful as possible and neglecting to make land movement any better, more varied or even fun.

And this would all be more acceptable if Blizzard wasn’t the biggest name out there, with more resources and manpower and experience, than anyone else. It’s pathetic, to be honest.

They talk about how arduous it is to design a new race. And yet, FFXIV gets new races and classes and flying and underwater exploration now, every expansion just gets bigger and better. While the hot shot, arrogant, superstar devs of WoW complain that making copied and pasted characters using preexisting assets is a Herculean undertaking.

These guys throw themselves a giant, multimillion dollar convention every year, and they are pretending that they just don’t have the power to provide full and satisfying expansions anymore.


It was always an issue. There have been people for and against it literally since day one. You want to argue it, argue for the requirements to be lessened. The only way to give both sides what they want is to lock it for a bit and then unlock it. Better off calling for removal of part 2 and the rep stuff, at least that is reasonable.

I don’t remember a single complaint when it was released.

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Just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen

I’ve never seen anyone against it until WoD.

You can experience the game the way you want even when flying is available. I can’t experience the game the way I want when flying isn’t available.


What you “saw” isn’t relevant. I have played the game and been on the forums since day one. People complained almost immediately. Not as much as later, it grew once leap frogging over everything and cheapening wpvp became the norm.

And no, I can’t. If other people fly and I don’t I lose at everything. It’s an mmo. You exist in relation to everyone else. With pf you get to fly after a bit and I am not forced to either fly or be gimped in every way.

I do think they should remove part 2 and the rep stuff.

And the time gate? Part 1 awards flying for the initial zones as soon as it’s complete?


Might be a little too short but it depends how long the story stuff takes. I keep thinking with BFA that came in August, maybe December of January would have been good. A few months with people at max but not this super long wait they have been doing and definitely no part 2.

The only people who complained were world PVPErs sick of being dive bombed. And when they realized world PVP wasn’t a universally accepted reasoning, they started weaving in false concern about questing integrity and gameflow, and other things they don’t really give two turds about and were already compromised by unrelated things.

Then the developers, who hate having to put in the extra work of taking flight into consideration, (and not having the player appreciating their embarrassingly outdated graphics by having our faces pressed up against the terrain 100% of the time) used a classic argumentum ad temperantiam fallacy, to make it miserable for everyone. They took the tiny fraction of people who hate flying and said “good enough!”. Even when Ion was getting booed, he still smirked and rationalized it as “there are some clapping too!”. Nah man, those people are clapping for the people who are booing.

So as long as ten people out of ten thousand hate something, if the developers want it to happen, those ten people speak louder.


The issue with flying is that the game isn’t the same as it was before. If World of Warcraft were still like classic, you know a world, I would agree flying is a bad idea because rather than going out and exploring and experiencing the world you’re just flying over it.

Now that the game is pretty much entirely based around instanced content and the world essentially acts a lobby while you wait to enter the games, not having flying is just a pain.

Flying shouldn’t be delayed for more than a month. After a month everybody has seen everything on the ground.


You can have both. BC - MoP proved that.


Flight made ganking exponentially easier, so no they weren’t the ones complaining. It was the people getting ganked freaking out over people dropping on their head and disappearing with no way to retaliate.

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I gotta say, I feel like you’re arguing against something you actually want. As someone who didn’t unlock pathfinder until months after part 2 was out, I simply don’t agree with what you say about it. I didn’t ‘lose at everything’ and was not ‘gimped in every way’.
I didn’t enjoy it, because I’ve always loved to fly. I was behind for personal/medical reasons that kept me from playing as much as I normally do. And I have completed pathfinder ever since it was introduced, for each expansion.
With all this in mind, I think the requirements are pretty excessive, not because any 1 thing is extreme or terrible, but because the combination is tedious at best.
It’s OK to want flight, and it’s OK to want to keep Pathfinder as well. But let’s just all be honest about what we really want.

I don’t agree. It’s not just about “seeing” everything, it’s also about experiencing a full game world and having people bump into each other for a little while. 4 months or so isn’t really that bad, and having a short wait does make it feel more fun when you finally do get flight.

Pathfinder was the compromise for Blizzard removing flying, and if you don’t like doing what is needed for the reward, then the reward isn’t worth it to you. No matter how many threads are written, pathfinder will remain. This is a spam thread at this point, and should be reported as such.

Of course it’s something I want and I understand those who don’t want it, so the most fair thing is a compromise. They just need to shorten the non flying period because it’s too long.

I am arguing to keep pf but make it much less than it is now, which is a win for your side even though you don’t 100% get your way. Unless you are just completely selfish you should be able to appreciate that.

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Change games because chores are a big part of an MMORPG.

These types only want what they want, and if it’s not EXACTLY that, then the game is either trash, or a shell of its former self.

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I stand corrected, thank you.

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