I’ve always thought of flying as being a badly implemented system. It’s useful, but it is not really all that interesting. I wish that flying took into account things like inertia, gravity, etc., and it was more like piloting something you had to actually had to pay attention to, instead of being something where you just move to an xyz coordinate and hover in one place perfectly.
If flight required any kind of finesse or skill to keep it working, its limitations would open up the possibility for other movement options that might also be satisfying to use. But the way it is now, I think flying has just too much utility for anything else to bring anything to the table.
If flying was at walk speed, would we still use it? Yes, to get over difficult terrain. But otherwise we would likely ground run. Im not advocating this, just pointing it out.
Okay, this is a necro. That said, I wonder if the problem wasn’t flying but making flying fast-fast. My DH never bought fast-fast and it doesn’t feel nearly as broken. If you could only fly at the speed you ran on the ground it would be a decent perk and nothing more. So the problem isn’t so much flying as the speed at which you fly?
Its far too late to go back to something like that tho. Yes, if flying was walking speed, just used to get around rough terrain, it would be useful but blizz wouldnt be so against it. But that ship sailed in LK.
It’s not even a speed. It’s straight up the current employees. As I said it wasn’t an issue until this new development group made it an issue and warlords.
they want you on the ground more for longer to enjoy their content and not fly around it… if they made better more entertaining content to begin with they wouldn’t have to worry about trying to skip past all the boring repetitive stuff.
If they thought about it, 90% of content would be things you fly to. Icecrown comes to mind. Back when they put thought into the zone designs, rather than try to artificially slow you down with removing key components of the game.
Sad that something that has been complained about by the majority of the community is still an issue in the game.
Remove Pathfinder, people who grinded for it most likely wouldn’t care. Remove pathfinder, people who hated it will be super happy. Keep pathfinder in, people are pissed and those who grind for it are indifferent. Never met anyone in the game who is super hyped about doing pathfinder. People do it just to do it.
I feel like a compromise would still be better. The claim is that they want players to experience the content, but that is a load of bull, considering they must not feel the same about the x.2 content, since it is experienced way less on the ground than x.0 and x.1 was. That is why it makes the most sense to create a revamped version of the account unlock, that feels reasonable for the initial zones, at max level, while also adding a purchase per-character for people that would prefer it. Then, at x.2, offer Pt 2, which unlocks flying in those zones.
The point of pathfinder is to make it more difficult than needed, so that enough people dont do it, then blizz can say "oh, see only ‘x’ amount of players even did it, they dont REALLY want flying content.
BFA had too much content. A lot of it pointless, but so much nonetheless. I wish they would just focus on the end-game and not add so many dungeons, 40 quest questlines, etc.
I actually prefer the opposite. Give me as much to do out in the world, with less focus on the uber endgame mythic raider io stuff. That portion of the content demands so much more time than they give, and can never be fully satisfied. While, on the other hand, if you had some class-specific quests (like Class Halls did), some profession quests (dabbled in Vanilla and Legion), and compelling zone stories, it would make the world feel more alive. It wouldn’t just be lol faceroll world content to get to endgame cuz none of that junk matters… It would still happen, but in that case, they would be wrong.
No one says I have to group with the massive amounts of multiple players out there. As long as I can see them, it’s still multiplayer. Just don’t steal my quest item while I’m fighting the mob guarding it. Besides, having tons and tons of quests doesn’t mean you have to do them alone. I have grouped with people questing in the same area before. It’s not all or nothing.
This group has been anti-player fun for pretty much the entire BFA expansion. Doubling down on terrible decisions that were clearly in the best interest of NOT having fun.